chapter 15

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(Back flash of non date)

Nobody pov-

They were having a good date and they talked to get to know each other even more

Phee grab non hand and said " We are so sorry for how we treated u before we got together non pls never die okay I can't bring myself seeing u dead" non nodded and said " I promise I won't do it no more "

Jin grabs non sleeves and rolled them up and kiss the scars non had and non blushed and phee said with a serious tone " your ours and nobody else's we will take care of you okay non" non nodded and remember what he wanted but he will bring it up next time

Phee looks at non and phee knows non is thinking about something and phee hopes non not thinking about other boys or he get a punishment

Jin cross his arms and said " non u better not think about other boys" non widen when he got out of his trace and said " I'm not I'm just thinking about the test we have"

Phee and Jin both nodded and phee said " hmm well our next date will be at our home none next week"

Non got shy when he said our home he blushed deep red

Back to the present

Hope blinks her eyes and said " ur such a virgin" non smack her head and said " you are to" Hope shrug " and I plan to be for the rest of my life"

Non smack his head and said " what do I do they want me to go their next week " hope sighs " have u ever thought of googling it " non sighs and goes on hope laptop

Hope doesn't care if non use her lap top and he google it and close it real fast causing hope to look

Non then wanted to forget it and then said " how's ur day since u babysit baiboon" hope flips the page of the book

And said " it went good and bad" non nodded and said " tell me the bad part" hope sighs and put the bookmark in the book and said " remember that guy that was in our school with his boyfriend and two friends" non then went to remember and saw those guys who looks like they wanna fight

Then again doesn't everyone want to fight non said " yeah now I remember had to take awhile"

Hope blinks her eye and said " I have a feeling those four are up so something and they have to bring baiboon in it" non nodded and said " hope ur phone been buzzing for 2 minutes u better take it and not get people mad okay " Hope sighs

Hope then take the phone while non was watching videos on hope laptop he then went to study on his account

The other line said " thank u for answer my name is kamol and if u dare hang up we know where u live " non stops what he was doing and look at hope worried

Because the person knows where she lives and normally she doesn't give her address to alot of people and hope replied back " awe I don't care if u know where I live kamol I have no time to deal with ur drama right now I'm trying to help my friend and u aren't my friend soo"

That made kamol went silent that the girl talked back and non chuckled while hope hang up the phone and got her boxing gloves and hit the punching bag alot and it seems hope is alot of angry non can see

Non pov-

Well since hope is angry I'ma just do my school work because even I know hope Is powerful

The essay is about Japan war
He typed " The war against Japan—also called the Pacific War—took place in the context of the Second World War. The Pacific War began in December 1941 after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, and ended in September 1945 with Japan's surrender and formal American occupation until 1952."

Hope went up to see what I am  working on hope said " ur learning about the Japan war didn't they give us topics of what we can learn"

I turned to hope and said " I just wanted to learn about Japan you know " hope nodded and then grab more paper for me and hope said " here more just in case I will write mine after ur finish urs"

I wonder what phee and Jin thinks I was thinking about because the only males I think about is them I love them so much plus I'm scared about their punishment

But will probably feel pleasure and I want to know why they said that but I also wanna know why they ask me to stay a night next week

Kamol pov-

As I got out of the phone with that girl it seems she is the one and I see day coming with it and day said " what's wrong kamol "

I clench my fist and said " I found yall the one " it was surprised I actually did

I look at baiboon who feels bad for that girl I am just glad he making friends but I swear to God if he dates anyone I will kill them

I am a mafia after all and I wanna protect baiboon it seems the girl has friends I will deal with her later

She has alot of guts to end the call though for the second time and I sat back and said " guards go see what that girl is doing " they nodded and went out

And baiboon said " why are u doing this to hope she my first friend and she nice same with non please don't hurt her"

I look at him and and said " I won't hurt her I don't have intentions to but I want to let u know that if she wasn't ur friend she would probably get kidnap by us but since yall are friends I won't hurt her "

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now