chapter 20

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Nobody pov-

White explain it to nick and he agreed and non was thinking about what movie they should do while hope close her eyes

And non got an idea and he slam his hand to the table And said " what about a horror film" the two got scared

And white said " that good but never do that again that scared us" nick agreed to white

And non said " sorry I was thinking and it got me into anger mode when I keep thinking for a long time "

Hope open her eyes and said " let be honest non this is the third time u did it " non scratch his back and gave a apology look

And they all accepted it cuz he adorable and they all went to film their horror movie

While white set out the cameras and nick set out the lights and non made the props and hope wrote the script

It usually non but non is busy to make a script because he making props for the horror film

And after several hours they was done making their set and everything and hope was still writing non went to help her since he knows alot she does to

But it take a writer A long time to write or type and it good to take ur time so u don't have to miss a word

And while the script was done and everything was set and ready they went to have dinner at the restaurant

The four cheer and non said " good job today even though we are actually gonna do this slow and steady "

Hope banged her head to the table And the boys saw and white said " what wrong " hope said " u forgot we got to drop off u non tmr to see phee and Jin ur boyfriends who went on vacations when their family "

Non widen his eyes and forgot that both of his boyfriends went separate ways to be with their family for a week on vacation

They didn't go to the same place they went to a different place and non then did the same thing and said " I forgot they was gonna be here tmr but I still got to get them a welcome gift"

The three sighs and white said " We help u non don't worry they will he happy with u even though they both say they didn't want a gift from u because ur their sunshine ✨️ "

Hope smack his head and said " what he meant to say is we help u and white let not tease him he already sad let help him"

White pouted but shrugs and he followed hope as they went to bought the bracelets for the three

And they came back and give it to non and white said " their now that done we got to get them a dessert what dessert do they like non?"

Non then think about it and said " let get them cake and I want to surprise them with something else I think I'm ready to do u know what with them"

Hope sighs and put her hand on his hand and said " don't pressure urself they did say as long as ur ready okay" non smiled and said " I'm ready "

She nods her head and said " well we got to get u protection stuff u know " non nodded and pouted and said " this is gonna be a long day"

Nick nodded and said " but ur ass will be red and u won't he able to walk when they do it to u" Non flushed bright red when nick said that

White pov-

I am bored now I miss tee all this relationship talk is making me miss him more

I drink more wine and non grab it from my hand before I drink any more

And I pouted and non said " We will help u get with him but first we need to see if he will change "

I smiled drunkaly and my eyes went blurring and I past out on hope shoulder and she looks at me and sighs and said to non and nick " well I guess his first time getting drunk won't happen either way we didn't know he was gonna drink"

They two nodded and hope carry me on her back while we went to our house non and nick is gonna stay again and I smiled at that

The next morning I woke up being in my room and I grumble and hope came in and said " ur finally awake " I threw a pillow at her and she grabs it

And said " let get u clean up go take a shower and join us for breakfast okay 👍🏻 " I nodded and went in the shower and it felt nice I love this shower

Non pov-

We were all downstairs while white was taking a shower we saw him coming in

With fresh clothes on and we all ate our breakfast and hope got a text from baiboon that he will be here to visit

We all nodded our heads and still ate our breakfast

I went to go get the door since it was knocked and baiboon was there and I let him in

And he got inside and smell breakfast and non made him one

We all are like a big one family and I love them they are like my little siblings I never have

We got done with breakfast and it was time to get phee and Jin while non and hope went to get them

Me and white and baiboon set the stuff up and it took 30 minutes but we are proud of our decorations skills

Just then the key was turning around meaning they are here and we went to hiding places and we saw them

And I told them to wait just then phee flick the light on and us three surprise them and they was surprised and we chatted went them

I said " how was yall vacation " phee said while having non on his lap and Jin kissing non cheeks

And phee said " We had fun but we miss our sunshine here "

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now