chapter 22

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(Tee and white)

Nobody pov-

White been sad for a couple days and everyone was trying to help but he pushed them away

And hope came in the door and saw her twin asleep while having dry tears she pat him to wake him up

And he woke up and sniffs and tears up and said " I miss him hope I don't know what to do but I miss him I miss his love I miss his cuddles and I miss everything "

Hope hugs him and pat his back and said " I will help u don't worry but u got to wait for a second " he nods

And said " how can u help me he hurt u and non " hope sighs and said " he can't hurt me but yes he did hurt non but it was mostly his uncle doings and I think his uncle was abusive that why"

White nodded and sat up and sit down by hope who was on his bed and put his head on her shoulder

And hope sighs she doesn't like being touch but she will only let this happen since he is sad so she will let him do this only once though

The next day since tee finally got back in the school after being suspended White looks like he was about to cry

But he didn't wanna cry infront of all of his classmates and non saw and he ran up to White and hugs him and said " what wrong White "

White sniffs in the non shoulder and said " I miss tee "

Non rub his back and he saw tee and saw White and he was determined he will get them back together

Non ran to tee and tee glare at non and non wasn't afraid of tee no more non said " I want u to be honest with me"

Tee sighs he really didn't wanna speak to non but he will let non speak to him for once and tee said " what is it non u do realize I just got back I don't wanna be in trouble "

Non smack his head and said " do u miss White " tee freezes when non said that

Deep down in tee heart he miss White so much but he just want White to be happy without him

Non cross his arms and waited for the answer and tee nod his head and said " yes I miss him but what am I gonna do I want him back"

Tee cried in non shoulders and hope came in and blink her eyes and she never see tee cried neither did non and hope sighs and came up to tee and pat his back in comfort

And said " I will let u date my twin brother if u promise to be nice to non okay because non means so much to me and white "

Tee sat down and said " I'm sorry non for treating u so bad I know u won't forgive me but I'm so sorry"

Non sighs and pat his shoulder to get him to sat up and he did and non said " it will take me awhile to forgive u yes but u deserve a chance and u have my approval to date him but don't break his heart"

Tee hugged non and hope smiles a bit at the scene and she glad that this will be a fresh start of new friendship and forgiveness and tee and white relationship back she waiting the day they get married so she can tease them but it will be awhile since they all still in high school

Tee pov-

I ran to where white was I will prove myself to be better I regret hurting him

I regret hurting non to and I ran past everyone in the hall and I see white looking at our old pictures and I went behind him and hug his back and kiss his cheek

And said " I am here white I will always be here I want u to know that I love u I'm sorry for being childish "

White then turn to face me and hug me and said " I miss u to please don't ever leave me again"

I put my head on white shoulder and said " I never plan to leave u I want u to be mine again so we can plan our future together "

I am happy I got my white back and I will never let him leave me we will plan our future together like we plan and I can't wait for that

White smiles at me and I see non and hope clapping their hands and I mouthed thank you and they mouthed ur welcome

I put white on my lap and snuggle into him and he smiles widely, and he kiss my forehead

White pov-

I'm so glad we are together again as I was in my room I was day dreaming about tee and I

And hope got annoyed and said " white i love u and all but what are u doing "

I got out of the day dreaming I was in and hope gave me a scared and I fell off my bed and that hurt alot

And hope sighs and grab and med kit and patch me up

And said " u need to be careful white okay" I nod my head and I promise her I will never hurt myself again

Just then their was a knock on the door and I opened the door and I saw tee and I smile so brightly and I invited him in and he wave to hope and she wave back but then went back to reading

And we went in my room and we was studying and he kiss my lips and I kiss back and after a hour or more we got done studying and I went on my bed and tee join me and hug behind my back and I smiled at him

And he smiled back at me and I love him so much and he loves me

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