chapter 21

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Nobody pov-

Non smile at his boyfriends he can't believe their home finally it been a week since he miss them

Phee said " We miss u non u don't know how long we miss u because u wasn't with us even though we didn't see each other " non smiles and hug phee and phee hugs back

And white whispered to hope " are we the only single ones " hope shrugs And said " if u and tee was still together then I would be the only single one plus single is cool try it longer u get to be free from the toxicness"

Jin cross his arms at hope and said " are u saying that me and phee are toxic " hope glares back

Non sighs and said " yall two don't fight please " Hope sighs and said " fine i will go back to my room"

Phee grabs her arm and said " can me and Jin talk to u in private " hope sighs and said " fine "

Non shrugs and went to play uno with nick and white and white keep winning uno

They drag her to her room and she sat on her bed and said " what this about " Jin sighs and said " We need to find a gift for non his birthday is next week and u know him longer we would ask white since white give us less arguing but white is still thinking about tee so we wanted to leave him alone"

Hope sighs and cross her arms and said " the best thing u could do is give him the thing u wanted to give him to make him yalls I know yall wanted to do it with him but yall are waiting for him to agree"

Phee and Jin nodded and phee said " ur right we want to make him ours and we want him to scream our name and have hickeys from ours"

Jin nodded and hope said " then do that but first if ur gonna do it u gotta ask him permission okay I want him safe and not worried about anything he been having nightmares that yall will leave him so make sure u defeat those nightmares okay"

The two boys nodded and they left the room and hope plays uno with them and hope said " white how are u Even winning"

White shrugs and said " well I been sad without tee so it could be that "

Non then got an idea to get them together non knows tee was a bitch to him but he wanna make white happy since white been helping him

Lately and he want to return a favor and non whispered to nick and then hope and they both nodded and white pass out due to tiredness

Hope looks at nick and ask him to take him to his room and nick nodded and pick up white and went upstairs

And phee and Jin joined them in uno and it goes on for hours with nick because he was only up their for two minutes

And the next day at school non bang his head to the wall and said " what If they forget my birthday next week"

Nick scratch his neck and said " if they forget then leave them they aren't real boyfriends if they don't celebrate ur birthday it special for u meaning it should be special for them since ur theirs "

Non nodded at nick and said " I guess ur right but what if I'm not enough what if someone take them away from me"

Hope rub his back and said " if they did I kick their ass okay "

Phee pov-

As I was on vacation Jin and non has never left my mind and I know non birthday was gonna come up soon so I wanna surprise him

Me and Jin asked hope for advice for non birthday cuz he special to us and we want to make him happy

And prove his friends so they don't get mad at us anymore because we hurted him in the past and we will never forgive ourselves

Because we did that and we will change for non we love him and we want to marry him when we are older

Hope said to take his first virgin I think deep down she knows non wants it

Jin scared me and kiss my cheek and said " so are we gonna do this once we do this to non he will fully be ours" I smirked at that

And I wanted him to be ours I think non wanted this for awhile but was to scared to do this that why hope said this will be the best gift

I can't wait to see him looking all pretty with our kisses on his neck and everyone will see we love him so much

Jin pov-

I was thinking for so long on vacation on how to give non the perfect birthday gift

And the day me and phee asked hope she gave us a good idea and I can't wait to make non ours

Me and phee been waiting for this day to come and we can't wait to love him and Cherish him

Just then non skip jump to us and hug us and I ruffle his hair and non said " am I the worst boyfriend "

I squish his cheek and kiss his lips and said " baby boy don't ever say that again"

Non nodded and hug me and I hug him back and I said " if u say that again me and phee will show u how much we love u okay"

Non nodded and sat on my lap and put his head on my shoulder I smile at him

White and hope came since nick was with his boyfriend and the same friends he been with since non and hope met them

White sees non is asleep and he smiles and I think I know white misses tee that why I see white is sad I will help him we all will help him

White and hope been helping our relationship get more healthy each day

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now