chapter 46 ( the flashback part 2)

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Nobody pov-

After hope said that she picked up the pencil that fell and she then use her pencil to write the notes that the teacher gave out

After class her and white met again and white said " so how was ur first day of this school was it good or bad"

Hope said " it was wonderful " white sighs as he knows that lie he knows his twin sister

Non went up to hope and white saw and he smiles he knew hope will get a friend but it will probably take her longer she does not like having new friends

Non said " wanna hang out " Hope smiles and said " of course " they shook each other hands

And non wave at white and white wave at non and white said " hmm I know him I heard he was getting bullied from these kids so what should we do about it "

Hope sighs and said " We got to do something but if we do ur boyfriend will get mad and last time I check it isn't his business either way "

White nod his head and said " yeah I guess but what can we do"

Non said " yall don't have to protect me u know I'm used to this " White sighs and put his hand on non shoulder and said " We will protect u we may not know u but we don't leave anyone behind"

White smiles a bit And said " thank u I never really had friends but yall are my first thank u so much"

White said " of course and we will always be here for u "

Hope bang her head to the table And said " I'm tired we should plan this later "

White cross his arms and said " u the one that went to bed late u can't complain right now"

Non said " so yall are twins yall don't really look alike "

White smiles and said " we were born the same day and month and year but she adopted she will tell u why she adopted when she ready "

Hope blink her eyes and said " I will tell u since I trust u but u can't tell anyone got it"

Non nodded his head and said " I kinda want to know but I will wait until ur ready to say it to us"

Hope then explain everything to non and non nodded and hug hope fast and said " I'm always here for u"

And hope said " me to now what do u wanna do "

Non said " study" white said " u two are the same Even though she my twin how can yall be the same "

Hope smack white head and said " it cuz we have twin telepathy I'm joking literally "

White rub his back and said " u been hitting my neck since we was young and I'm like 5 minutes older then u"

Hope shrugs and said " only five
Minutes though "

Non then look at them two confused and said " do yall argue all the time " White look at non

And said " We don't argue alot because we are siblings and we get along the most "

Hope shrug and said " We got an older brother and he an idol" non look at them and said " wait is Rm ur older brother "

White nodded and said " he is and me and him treat hope as our younger sister but we do got another sibling name sunghoon and he in enhypen "

Hope bang her head to the wall and said " to much brothers " non chuckled and said " I have a brother but he somewhere I wish I could see him but u know"

White pov-

As I was talking to non he seem a cool person I don't get why people hate him

Just then tee grab my arms and I was wondering how he find us when we were in the library and he pulled me to his friends and he said " so they are cooler then us"

I nod my head and said " yall talk to me like I'm a child plus yall don't control me even u tee u don't control me either must leave me alone "

I walk away and they gasp they didn't know I can talk back to them they may be older then me by a year but I'm not stupid

I then sat down and I put my head to the table And non and hope saw

And non said "are u okay" I shake my head no

Hope said " what happen this time " I sigh and said " u know the group of people I was with when we went to our house Hope remember "

Hope then remembered and said " oh those people I technically forgot them because u know how I am " she flip her hair I chuckled she and non made me smile

Non pov-

I was confused on what they meant but they are nice people then most of these people just then someone dump water on my head

And my tears was about to come out and one of the students said " awe look he is gonna cry"

Everyone laugh but hope and white and white whispered to himself " here we go again "

I see that hope slams the table and said " what did I just fucking say about leaving him alone now u guys want to get punch "

I look at her and I said " hope please don't worry about me "

Someone said " why are u protecting this loser are u a loser to" me and white look how hope was about to punch this person me and white both scoot away

And white said " yall are asking for it I hope u know she doesn't hold back once she started "

Someone said " are we suppose to be scared we aren't scared of her if that what u think "

Hope sighs and said " I wasn't trying to make u scared of me but u know I can if u think I can't "

We saw that hope got her water bottle and pour it on the bully head

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