chapter 41

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Nobody pov-

Phee and Jin was picking up non from the side they don't usually pick non up from school

But it their first ever sleepover just then phee parked the car and Jin look out the window

And Jin said " do u think he will come " phee roll his eyes and said " babe he will come he knows he with us on Friday and Saturday plus his birthday is tomorrow:

Jin nods and then they kept a look out for their cute man but their is alot of students they are students to but non had extra classes today

They waited about 15 to 20 minutes and non is running towards them and Jin got out and took non backpack from his back and he went around to the trunk and he put the bag in their

Phee is now driving and while he drive he said " so how was ur classes today" Non shrug and said " a bit busy as usual but I like it but we got in trouble again"

Phee clenches the staring wheel he can't believe hid baby is getting yelled at for no damn reason Jin said " are u okay baby boy"

Non smiled and nodded and said " I'm fine now don't worry about me either way we will take care of it " Jin sighs and look at phee and they both nod

Jin said " baby we don't want u hurt but if ur okay with it then I guess we can move on from this topic but don't hurt urself non or I take ur pills away phee told me u been taking pills before we three dated "

Non pouted and cross his arms and said " what am I suppose to do hmm 😒 " Jin shake his head and said " We will always be here for u so don't u ever self harm or try to think of ways non or ill check ur room"

Non shake his head as he understand Jin he knows Jin meant well but Jin is overprotective about this stuff and he doesn't want non to get hurt physical or mentally

Just then they made it to phee home phee dad is away just like non friends dad

It called his dad is apart in a police but sometimes they don't do their job right he love his dad but his dad side with the wrong damn people

Phee saw that non felled asleep and he chuckled must have been through hell today

Jin pick up non and carried him in phee house and he sat non down on phee bed and he kiss non forehead and non shift in his sleep

Jin smiled and he and phee was looking at cute non who was being cute and adorable at the moment and phee said " he is our baby we will give him his birthday gift tmr after the party but for now let watch a movie until he awake "

Jin nodded and said " I'm with u baby but I wish we would do it today but we have to wait until tmr to do it I'm not hating it just unusual u know?" Phee nodded

They both knew that it will be non first time so they waited until it was time giving him time to focus

Non was sleeping Like a baby and phee and Jin find him so cute who sleeping like a cute baby

Phee tucked non with the blanket and him and Jin put non in the middle so phee is on the left and Jin is on the right and they kiss their baby cheek

Phee pov-

I brushed my baby non hair behind his ear he so adorable when he asleep he then got on on Jin chuckled

And Jin said " he is our baby so I can't wait for our time with him this weekend " I nod

I can't wait either he will have a special birthday gift from us

And then I got a called from Boston and I answer my phone called and he said " do u know where my boyfriend is at "

I then think and said " he probably at non friends house they usually hang out " Boston breath out

And said " so on non birthday can u help me with my boyfriend I want to cuddle him but he been ignoring me for the past week"

I said " of course I will help u but u need to help me with a promise ring for me and Jin baby non"

Boston said " alright I will help u with that me and u can go to the mall Sunday since he will be back to his friends house and I'm glad that we are friends "

I chuckled and said " I'm glad to but I will talk to u later" I ended the call

Jin pov-

As I see my boyfriend getting out of the call with Boston I sigh and said " what does he want "

Phee looks at me and smiled and said " his boyfriend nick is ignoring him so I'm gonna help him "

I nodded I knew that Boston and nick will get into arguments just like me and phee but we tried not to because we don't wanna scare non

Me and phee then kiss on the lips and I said " I love u " and he smiled and bring me back into the kiss on the lips

And said " I love u to u and non are my life I don't know what to do without yall I hope we stay together forever "

I nodded and then I see that non is putting his head on my shoulder and then the three of us took a nap

And i was dreaming that something happen to non and it was a nightmare I hope this nightmare never comes true he my love

And me and phee will always be there for him I'm glad we are proving how much we love him I kiss non on the forehead I couldn't sleep and I was trying to sleep but I hope it doesn't end up like that

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now