chapter 11

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( phee x Jin x non date)

No one pov-

Phee and Jin is decorating for non date with them and phee and Jin wanted this date to be wonderful

Phee was writing a beautiful letter to non to show non how they love him and how they want him apart of their life forever ♥️

It said

" dear non If you wonder just how much we  love you, wonder no more. You are the sun in our sky, the river that runs through my soul, and the very air we breathe. Before we met you, we didn't believe it was possible to love someone so deeply and completely, but you have given us faith that true love really does exist because we share it with you

You always ask is why we  love you, so we decided to write it all down so you can keep it and read it whenever you feel the need.

We love your sense of humor. It's one of the first things we noticed about you. You have a way of putting people at ease with a simple joke, and you always include everyone in the fun instead of using your humor to put someone down.

We love your optimistic nature. You always try to see the good in every person and situation, even when we can't see it myself. When we look at the world through your eyes, it's a better place.

We love the way you look. You're so handsome, but you don't seem to realize how good looking you are. We see the way other people look at you, and we know they envy us for being with you. We love you even if you weren't so darn handsome, but we glad you are.

We love your gentle hands. You're such a strong man, but you have such a soft touch. When you take my hand in yours, I feel safe and cared for. I can't tell you how wonderful that is.

We love your generous soul. Whenever someone's in need, you're the first person to lend a hand. Some people might think you're a little too generous and easily taken advantage of, but we know better. You just can't resist helping because you understand how easily you could find yourself in the same situation.

We love the way you kiss us. Your lips perfectly fit with us. We love those quick kisses you shower me with throughout the day, and I love your deep, lingering kisses even more. They make my toes curl, and I shiver with delight.

Most importantly, we love the way you complete me. You are the soulmate we thought we never find. You cheer us up when we are down and help me find balance when our world is out of control. You make us want to do the same for you.

When we think about all the reasons we love you, we begin to wonder why someone as special as you, loves me. Maybe someday you'll write a letter for us."

Jin pov-

I can't wait to give him the letter from both of us I wonder if this date will go well or not I'm scared

I want him to know he's perfect for us and how sorry we are from the past I want to show him love and support I don't want him to be sad no more

He's so cute and I want him to know that we love him deeply he is special to us just then phee was looking at me and said " do u think he will like it"

I bite my lip maybe we did to much and I said " he might like it I don't know phee I'm nervous I don't want him to hate it"

Phee hugs me from behind and said " We will do anything to protect him like we should have done from the start" I nodded

And I hope this will not be the end of us I want him to know how much we love him and care for him now

He is ours and I'm glad we will be able to claim him he perfect for us and I want him to know that

Just then hope came towards us and cross her arms and said " yall didn't overdo it don't worry I'm sure he loves it he had feelings for both of yall"

Maybe she right but we also hurt non and it broke my heart that we did it I'm glad we get another chance to show him love

I love non and phee love non and I love phee and phee loves me I'm glad non is in a relationship with us

He so cute and I wanna mark him but I'm waiting until he comfortable then we will do it

Non pov-

Hope came towards me and said " u do realize I'm like a cupid to yall right"

Oops I forgot she is a cupid I wonder what phee and Jin is doing they said for me to wait in the library but they been doing something for two hours

I wonder if they have something going on just then hope came out and said " their ready for you non" hope grab my wrist

And put a blindfold on me I wonder what their surprise is hmm maybe a new gift?

I don't want them to do to much I am just glad they are showing me love we had so much bad things in the past I'm glad I give them another chance

I love them dearly and they are proving their love to me day by day weeks by weeks and months and hope said " don't u think that u should wear blindfold"

I forgot she was there for a second and I look at her then nodded must be something special if their telling me to wear a blindfold I'm just happy they are proving how much they love me

They made me fall for them everyday and I smiled

(See yall in the next chapter soon)

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