chapter 38 (kamol x kim x baiboon) 🥵 with day and itt and hope

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Nobody pov-

While baiboon said that to Kamol and Kim heard that Kim went down to anger mode

And day and itt step back they never saw Kim this angry he grab baiboon by the arm

And hope said " let him go Kim " Kim glares at her and she glares back

And kamol step back to he knows not to be in their business when they do this again

Kim then took baiboon and the basement and he pin baiboon to the wall and said " say that ur ours or ima show u who u belong with baiboon choose now"

Kamol then went downstairs and see that Kim is now possessive over baiboon and Kim lick baiboon neck and bitten into it

And said " who do u belong with baiboon " baiboon whimpered and moaned and said " I belong to u and kamol"

Kim was satisfied yet so he lick baiboon neck again and then saw that baiboon cock is sprang up and he smirked and he unzip baiboon pants

And underwear and he lick the top and baiboon was trying to stop him until kamol bite his neck and said " u didn't think ima let Kim have all the fun do u"

Baiboon shake his head and kamol unzip his own pants and he bought his cock to baiboon lip and said " u know what to do baby boy"

Baiboon nodded and suck on kamol cock and kamol moaned and then once he was done kamol cum in baiboon mouth

And baiboon cum in Kim mouth and Kim took his clothes off and baiboons and kamol took his own clothes off and baiboon was in the middle of the two mafia

And kamol kiss his shoulder and said " u been a good boy what do u want to do " baiboon was about to say something until Kim put his cock in his hole and thrust back and forth

And baiboon moaned and Kamol kissed baiboon lips and said " ur ours and nobody else's okay " baiboon nodded his head

And said while moaning " I'm yalls and I promise to never let anyone do this to me then yall"

Kamol smirked and then kiss baiboon exposed chest and said " u did well we will do this more "

They fell asleep and Kim put a buttplug in baiboon ass and baiboon said could he unmoved it but Kim said no and if he did he will get more punished

With day and it hope

Hope was pacing back and forth to see if baiboon is okay or not

And itt put his hand on hope shoulder and said " babe he okay don't worry plus u hear that moaning "

Hope then hears it and said " well yes but ur friends are assholes and cold and possessive "

Day then pin her go the wall while she tries to get out and he whispered in her ears and said " love we are the same they aren't they only ones they are nicer but we will tear u apart "

Hope widen her eyes and said " it seems that yall are more scarier then them." Itt smirked and said " let go to sleep u have school tmr"

Hope cross her arms and itt sighs and pick her up and put her in the middle of her bed while itt was beside her and day was beside her and itt cuddle her and day said " We will also do that to u if u be naughty "

Hope said " touch me and I punch yall guts I'm not scared of yall I hope u know that and I will never be scared of yall

Kamol pov-

After that wonderful night last night me and Kim went back to the office with day and itt

And day sat down and said " what is this meeting about again"

I smirked and said " I'm glad u ask it seems that baiboon and hope still don't know their place yet have u punish hope  yet"

Day roll his eyes at me and said " not yet kamol and u know me and itt won't do something that she hates she already dealing with enough shit has I heard"

I look at him confused And said " what do u mean day "

Day sighs and said " they had see a dead person yesterday that why they was in the house late because they was investigating "

I then nod and said " I guess we should help them with this case "

Day nodded and said " might be good and bad but it something that we can solve "

I then said to one of my bodyguards " add the murder case on the list "

The bodyguards bow to me and said " yes sir we will be right on it "

Kim said " I think that our baby is now finally realizing who his owners are"

Kim pov-

I love when I had the power top I was the power bottom to kamol before but now I get to be the top

As I heard about my baby having to deal with the murder case I hate polices who can't do their jobs right

Day said " well since yall claim him last night me and itt is waiting for the honeymoon to claim hope because I'm tired of her thinking that she won't get punish"

I smirked and itt said " I mean atleast she has guts isn't that right babe " day nodded and said " I guess I give her a bonus for that "

I smack my head and said " this is why yall haven't made any process yet because of yall bickering and arguing "

Itt shrug and said " We haven't made process yet due to the moan we heard and hope was pasteing and wondering if something happen with her friend and yall did it in the basement "

I shrug my shoulder and said " atleast it somewhere and not one of the rooms now it could be their parents room but it went in the basement I'm glad they have a bed in their either way "

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