chapter 50 (after the party pheejinnon) 🥵

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Nobody pov-

Non was drunk and he was talking and white and hope and nick was around him and nick said " should we ask phee and Jin to get him he look pass out "

White and hope nod their head and white said " I would hate to end this party but we have a drunk non so let go ask phee and Jin why don't u ask hope"

Hope groans and went to phee and Jin and said " we have a drunk non and it seems he will be going home early so here u go"

Phee and Jin look down to see that non was drunk and they both smiled

And phee pick up non and non legs was around phee

The next morning

Non woke up and he stretched and he then got pulled down by phee kissing him and non moaned

Phee whispered " ur finally awake we wanted to give u our gifts but we had to wait until u woke up and was sober enough "

Non then nod his head and Jin then pulled non shirt over his head and Jin kiss non chest

And non grab Jin hair and non said " make me yalls please " phee smirked and grab handcuffs from the side of the bed

And said " We will cuffs ur hands so ur hands don't move Okay baby boy" he then cuffed non hand and phee kiss non neck while Jin was kissing his chest

And non was moaning and phee pulled non pants down and phee took his clothes off and Jin did the same and phee kept kissing non neck

And he biting into non neck and whispered in non ear " babyboy is being cute now let out ur moans don't hide them" he said that in a dominant voice

And non nodded his head and phee then suck non cock and non was moaning and Jin said " I will put my cock inside u after phee is done with u but suck off mine "

Jin put his cock infront of non and non then suck him off and Jin was moaning and said " good job sweetheart u been doing great "

Non kept sucking off Jin cock and phee then finger into non butthole

And non was moaning and it did hurt but it was doing good and Jin smirked and saw someone was texting non and Jin look at non phone

And it was hope to see if he was okay and Jin quickly send her a text saying that non is okay

And then Jin kissed non neck making it a hickey and non said " it hurts " Jin rub non arms and said " baby it okay we will go slow and if u want us to go harder then say it okay we will make u feel good baby"

Phee agreed with Jin when he said that to non and then phee pulled out his fingers who was in non butthole and phee then got up

And non saw and try to sat up but got pulled down by Jin and Jin said " baby he just getting something we aren't done yet " non nodded

And chills went down his spine and phee  gave Jin the lube and Jin open it up and pour some on his hands and he put it on his cock

And then he pulled non legs apart and he put his cock inside of non and said " I will make u feel good u know the code if it hurts baby" non nodded his head and said " yes Master " Jin liked that name so did phee like the name

And he thrust in non back and forth and non moaned and said " more " and Jin did more in non and he kiss not forehead because non had tears rolling down in his eyes

And Jin kiss non tears and thrust slower and he put his lips on non neck

And bite his neck and non moan and it was phee turn and he put lube on his cock and he got in non hole

And he thrust faster and non was moaning and he likes it

The next morning

Non couldn't walk so he made grabby hands for Jin to see and Jin smile at his baby and he pick up non and phee was getting the tub ready

So non got in and they wash his body and scrub his body and they help him get changed

And they went downstairs and it was time for them to drop off non

Non was in the back and phee and Jin was in the front phee was driving and parked by hope house and they ring the doorbell and hope yawn and blink her eyes

And open the door and she see that Jin is carrying non and white came to where they are at

And said " I heard the doorbell and I wanted to see if My package came but it didn't anyways hi phee and Jin I guess non fell asleep "

They nodded and phee said " this place is clean it was messy yesterday cuz of the party I'm guessing yall clean it up"

As hope was about to say something Rm said " we helped but my dear younger sister and brother doesn't tell us things "

White roll his eyes and said " do we have to tell u everything u usually find out either way"

Jin said " I didn't mean to interupt but do yall always fight " hope shake her head yes and said " we are siblings after all the only siblings that get along is rm and sunghoon and then me and white get along me and rm doesn't get along as we used to Same with me and sunghoon and rm and white don't get along same with sunghoon and white"

Jin nodded his head and said " but do yall love each other "

Rm put his hand on hope shoulder and said " me and sunghoon tried to give them love but they keep ignoring us"

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now