chapter 14

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(The unknown people)

No one pov-

Baiboon came up to hope and non he was a new student either way and non said " My name is non and you are??" Baiboon smiled and nod his head and said " I'm baiboon and u look like a nice
Person "

Non smiled he thinks he must be a new student and hope said " We will protect you don't worry I have to protect non either way"

Non couldn't say anything because he knows it's the truth and he shrug and hope said " atleast he knows I'm telling the truth anyways non ain't u suppose to be on your date with phee and jin"

Non looks at the other side and nodded and said " We finish an hour ago but I can't believe u put alot of decorations " hope shrug

And said " I got help to put them on meaning I need help to put them down but eh"

Non sigh and look at Baiboon and said " so u came on 2nd quarter " baiboon nodded and said " yeah it unusual but these two males I know said I can be in this school "

Hope then think about it and said " u mean the four guys over there" pointing that they were talking to each other

Baiboon nodded baiboon had a crush on kamol and Kim but he didn't wanna say anything so he kept it down plus he younger then them they work he still goes to school

Hope looks at baiboon and know he likes the two but why is four of them here they are scary when they are together like a gang

Just then yok scared hope and hope glared at yok non sighed and said " yok what are u doing here bothering us if ur twin brother sees u bothering us he will fight u and trust me I am tired of stopping yall fights "

Hope Gave him a side eye and then remembered non does try to stop alot of fights and baiboon said " who's this he looks like a gangster "

Non sighs and said " that hope rival I'm kidding I think I don't know she always argue with them either way because their trying to get her to be a gang"

Baiboon nodded finally understanding I mean he knows someone who powerful or two he said " can yall help me with my school work though" hope sighs and nod

And said " since I helped literally everyone in this school I can help u on what u need let me give u my number" baiboon gave his phone to hope

And hope type her number and non seems like he gonna have fun because sometimes hope helped him with the school work not everything though non is smart

And hope typed her number and non number and non said " why my number " hope said " u do realize I'm busy sometimes like u but more" non did just realize that

Non said " fair point don't worry baiboon we will help you and make sure u learn alot so u can be smart"

Baiboon jumped and smiled and said " thank you thank u u guys are life savers " non and hope nodded and hope said " u can come to my house if u want after school"

Baiboon nodded and said " that would be kind of you thank you I really appreciate this "

Hope shrug and said " no problem I'm glad to help someone old or new depends if I'm in a mood"

Non whispered to baiboon ear and said " maybe don't get her piss off she gets mad alot easily so good luck"

Baiboon pov-

It My first day here and my assignment is to find a someone for day and itt which I don't know why they need someone when they got each other

I see two people and I went up to them and we talked and the girl name hope said she will help me no matter what and I smiled I'm glad someone will help me

Because not alot of people will help me plus I wanna like this school and yes I like Kamol and Kim but I'm to scared to say anything

But I think this guy name non is taken because I can see his two boyfriends coming and I clap as I support them and they said thank you to me

Just then after school I went to hope house it seems non was busy to come by because he is on his 2nd date with his boyfriends

And hope said " do u now understand this now " I nodded and I understand it

Thank goodness she saved my day after I left I went back to the mansion and kamol said " any body baiboon " baiboon sighs and said " not yet it My first day "

Hope pov-

As he left I went back on my computer what I miss so much drama I'm already finish with my school work just then baiboon called me

And I answer and I said " yes what is it do u need help with something " baiboon said " no not yet but are u single"

I was shock when he said that and I said " yes I'm single and if I'm in a relationship I hope he or they or anyone can deal with my mood swings why u ask"

Someone grab baiboon phone I can hear because it was loud and it hurt my ears and the other person on the line said " who are you " I roll my eyes

And I said " my name is hope baiboon new friend who are u" the other person sighs and said " my name is kamol baiboon boss"

I didn't know baiboon has a job but I can tell thus kamol guys is gonna piss me off alot and I don't know why

Just then I see non walking in and he saw I'm on the phone and sat on the bed like he normally does

I said " I will talk to u tomorrow or deal with you " i ended the call I might regret it but non said " so u wanna know how my date went " I nodded

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