chapter 51 (why the siblings fight part 1)

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Nobody pov-

Nobody knows why rm and sunghoon and white and hope argue and why hope and white don't like their older siblings

When they was young they got along but as soon as they got older it became alot of arguments and fights

Hope was sketching something for art class and white came in and white sat down and said " guess who back"

Hope put her pencil down and said " who came back" white put his hand on hope shoulders and said " our older brothers"

Hope looks at him and said " ur joking ha ha funny now who for real"

White look at her with a stare that says he not joking

Hope bang her head to the table And said " Damn it why did they come "

White shrugs and said " maybe we should love our older siblings " hope nodded

And said " I guess so plus it been years we been holding a grudge this long "white nodded

And look at hope drawing and said " u got better then last time " she gave him a glare

Just then jungkook barge in hope room weird normally their older brother friends don't barge in the door

Jungkook said " hi hope " Hope waves at him and said " what do u want " Jungkook was scared to say it but he said " can u help with a track for our music"

Hope nods her head and said " I'll help okay " Jungkook smiles and hugs hope and said " thank u thank u"

Hope smiles and jungkook left and white cross his arms and said " a music track do u even know korean" hope shrug and said " I have one thai brother and two Korean brothers and I'm American what do u think "

White shrugs and said " I do need to teach u thai now that I think about it" Hope stares at him and said " u gave Me a thai translate book when we was 10 remember "

White shrugs and said " now that I think about it I do remember now" Hope then play a instrument for the track and record it

And white was listening to it and he was jamming to it hope always been good with singing and instruments

Back to 1971

Rap began in 1971, in the Bronx, with Kool Herc, who was from Jamaica. At block parties, Kool Herc would play two turntables by hand and manipulate the sound to create an entirely new sound, while he rapped the lyrics from the song he was playing.

But that was rapping hope was making a music track and it was good and the bts saw and Rm was looking at his sister

And he smiles and Taehyung said " why do yall argue " Rm looks at him and shrug and said " I don't even know why we argue myself I feel bad for ever arguing with them"

their argument started when they think hope wasn't telling the truth about hitting someone she wasn't actually the person put fake bruise on her and she frame hope

White stuck on hope side since day one he would never betray her he knows she telling the truth

Back to the this

Jungkook then came in and heard the music track and he gave hope a thumbs up and she put her headphone up

And hope said " their it on the disk now do yall music" they smile at her and went to the studio to their music

They had to pay a studio for a week to sing their since they are visiting they will never quit singing they enjoy each other company and will always enjoy

White pov-

As I was eating my ice cream and hearing hope finishing the music track once she was done I saw that she gave it to jungkook

And I got up from her bed and sat down beside her and said " how are u so good with tracks "

Hope shrug and said " u know damn well I had to do it over and over again "

I pat her head and said " ur good at singing u think I didn't caught u singing well u did and ur good at it plus I have a date with tee later "

Hope grab my ice cream and said " then if u got a date then go change " I pout but nodded and I changed into the first one it look like it Hawaii

I tap hope shoulder and she turn around and look up and down and then she was in her thinking phrase

And said " not bad but are u going to hawaii" I pout

And said " I wish though" Hope sighs and then turn around to her desk and open one of the drawers to two tickets to Hawaii and two tickets back hope  and 10,000 dollars I smiled

Hope pov-

As I gave him the tickets and he was hugging me and said " thank u thank u but why"

I shrug and said " I got three jobs and double the money to u know help the house since our parents aren't home until next week"

White then nodded and said " how long do I get to stay there " I smiled

And said " since it summer time now I guess two weeks and if u need more money I got u a card and I will send u the money"

As I said I then gave him the card and he hug me again and tee just showed up and kiss white forehead

And tee wave at me and I wave back at him and I said " yall better go pack either way"

They nodded and they went to go pack their clothes and things they do

I then went back on my computer and type things to make ur siblings happy and I then wrote it down

I sigh as I figure out I need to get new pencils I'll get more later when they leave I sharpen my pencil

And I then went back to sketching the thing I was making

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