chapter 36

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Nobody pov-

White and baiboon got out of their classroom and saw nick and non and hope

And white said " yall okay we heard alot of yelling from yall teacher next to our class"

Non sighs and said " the teacher gave us a week detention and it gonna be hell either way"

The four was shock when non just cussed he don't normally cuss alot it happens when he mad but he mostly a innocent bean like baiboon sometimes

White nodded and said " so u want us to break into the teacher lounge to check " non sighs and said " I'm not asking about that "

Just then the gun shots was heard and it was loud as fuck

Student 1 said " what was that noise " they all hid under the cafeteria table except nick and non and baiboon and white and hope

Hope cross her arms and said " let go find out that noise " they nod their heads at her

And they Ran to where the gunshot was heard and was a student lying on the ground at the end dying slowly and the student look above and said " the teacher said he was after yall"

The five look at each other and hope bend down and took her jacket off and tries to get the blood in and she was On the verge of tears she doesn't like seeing people die

The student said " don't worry about me " the student grab hope arm and said " take care of yall selfs I'll be okay I'm finally gonna be in my happy place"

Hope said " call the ambulance first non" non nodded and dial the number and he talked to them and they was on their way here

White said " this is heartbreaking but what do we do" hope clenches her fist and said " We fight back and we can't let this keep happening to other students"

Baiboon said " but it end up getting non it the hospital and then u we can't let that happen either " hope said " innocent  people are dying and if it continues everyone will be dead and the murders will win do u want that"

The four boys shook their head no and nick said " I think the sub teacher did this I mean he was a bitch to us for no reason at all and we were good students u know so let try and figure this out"

Non cross his arms to his chest and said " could the teacher be aiming at one of us did we do anything wrong to the teacher "

Hope threw a empty bottle at non and said " last time I checked we don't talk in that class until lunch and after school "

The ambulance came and they took the person and put it on the hospital bed and took it in there back truck

Baiboon said " I know that this is gonna be in my nightmare tonight but what do I know we aren't safe because the student that was dying said he after us"

Non said " not for long hope do we still have those weapons in ur treasure chest " hope nodded and aid " it in my room"

White look at the two of them and said " wait sis u had weapons since when." Hope sigh and said " since non and me almost died because of that fake police then again he might have a clue of what happening I Mean he did say it wasn't over"

Non nodded and everyone walked to the police station it wasn't that far and the police let them in and talking to the fake police

Non pov-

I grab the telephone and I handed it to hope and she blink her eyes at me and I said " he scary plus ur better at talking at bitches then me"

Hope sighs and grab the telephone and sat down and the fake police said " what the hell do u kids want "

Hope said " did u hired someone to kill us " the fake police smirked and said " I hired alot of people so u got to be specific plus they should mostly aim at u"

I glare at him and I took the telephone and said " alright don't cross the fucking line " I then handed it back to hope

And she look at me if something happen to me and I look away and she then grab a picture and gave it to the fake police and the fake police look at her confused and said " that isn't the Man I send after yall someone must be after all five of yall"

Hope stares at him and said " I ain't worry who u send I will kick their ass but first why is u even after us " the fake police just smirked and I whispered to hope that It was time to go

Hope pov-

I look at the picture and then at non and non said " We will find out why this person want us dead and u know that "

I just nod my head and said " let get something to eat "

As we was walking we heard footsteps and the footsteps was getting louder and I told the four boys beside me to get infront of me

And I look behind us and it was someone in a hoodie and I cross my arms and said " can't yall leave us the hell alone "

They smirked and said " sorry we can't Ma'am it funny seeing u mad "

I roll my eyes and I sigh and said " I guess u want the hard way"  I kick their chest and they got down but only to kick my nose

And we keep fighting until I was bruised up and I said " asshole " the person smirked and said " I'm coming for yall"

I spit out blood and white carried me from his back and said " I'm a caring brother but also are u okay hope" I fell asleep on his back and he just carried me to the car and put me in the backseat while nick was driving my car I trust him to drive my car to

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