chapter 6

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Non pov-

That was scary that one of my best friends went in their and wasn't afraid of ghosts

I mean I'm afraid of them who isn't well not alot of people are afraid of ghosts but some are mostly afraid of clowns I am to

I mean I seen pennywise and he scary especially since he ate kids like who would do that just then we went back to the hotel and see everyone still awake except Ray who woke up

Pray for hope 🙏🏼 because he a flirt when sand isn't there then again sand did smirk when ray flirt hope meaning they like her

They just want to wait for the time that right to tell her and I understand that I mean look at me it took me three weeks to forgive phee and jin

But they are cute and I'm glad I gave them a chance now they are mine and I'm happy hope went back to writing and I went back to writing and jin was on his phone

While holding my hands it took awhile to make a script with one hand but I finally finish after 3 hours

The people who woke up is hope ,me,Jin, ray,nick,mew and that it and mew saw that I'm making a script and he read every words carefully and nodded

And said " I like the new script what made u making a new movie " I point at hope and she looks offended

Hope said " I'm just good at making a movie and designing costumes " I blink my eye then I realize she telling the truth and I sketch costumes for her to make and design

I mean she makes pretty designs and costume so why not and she nodded her head and I smiled a bit and we went back to doing our own thing

And nick was playing a game and he won against mew and their was alot of yelling but hope finally got done with her task

And I clap and I wasn't surpise she could do it with her eyes close and she continued to stew and it was dinner time now

Everyone seem to be awake and looking at us like they saw a ghost and I was confuse I mean do we look like a ghost well probably hope

Since she like darkness and magic and witch crafts makes me think she a witch for a sec but she can't be right?

Witches aren't real right I hope not then that will be something to deal with while hope was cooking sand came up to me and said " let talk" I nodded my head in a agreement

Sand pov-

So I told non let talk and he sat next to me and said " so tell me what going on u seem out of it"

I took a deep breath in and out and said "  do u know if hope has a crush on anyone non pls tell me"

Non looks at me and then he looks at hope and then said " I mean she might but she did get in a for real break up with tharn and type im just happy She accept people no matter who they is"

I nodded and I said " well if ur wondering why I ask u it because me and ray has a crush on her and we wanted to know if she liked anyone "

Non nodded in understanding And said " I knew yall like her I mean it isn't surprising yall do stare at her and wonder if she okay oh wait u and ray still don't know"

I wonder what he meant by we still don't know that made me think did hope do something today to scare non and non said " so we went to the mall to get something for hope cousin birthday that coming up"

I nodded to see where this story goes hoping it isn't scary but it might and non said " hope wasn't afraid to go into a haunted room filled with ghosts and spirits"

I'm not surprised even she scare me by going into something haunted and scary and non said " she said it wasn't scary though "

Phee pov-

I can't find non then I find non chatting with sand they must be talking about sand and ray crush on hope

I mean I could see it and I sat down next to Non and non look at me and wave and I wave back and

Let them talk and it seems hope has went to a haunted room it wasn't scary to her I mean it not surprising but hope Sat down and went to sleep

Due to waking up at 6 am to make breakfast then goes to a mall then gets lunch and then come back writing a script for a new movie

And made dinner for everyone and I grab non head and made him lay his head on my chest

He looks comfortable and then he fell asleep he so cute when he falls asleep I can't wait for me and his and jin future

Non is a real wife I laughed at the idea of non being a wife I mean he will look cute in everything he wear

It seems today our last day on vacation I'm just glad that these boys are coming with us so we could protect non from people who hurt him

He mine and I will make sure nobody and I mean nobody hurts him ever again he deserves happiness not sadness I'm glad he accepts me and jin apologizes

I'm glad everything is back to normal and that Non love for me and jin is still there we cuddle non and went to sleep

And we each had dreams and jin and non was always in my dream I'm glad that we will have a happy life dating each other

And marrying each other in the future I can't wait for the future only time will tell what happens in the future

(See yall tmr 🫣)

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