chapter 18

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Nobody pov-

Non was still awake studying and writing for his work until hope barge in and cross her arms and said " I knew that I find u here "

Non looks at her and blink his eyes and said " I was studying all night like u do all night but I did it worse I couldn't go back to sleep"

Hope cross her arms and said " why.... and please don't make an excuse tell me the reason why Non "

Non sighs and said " I want to get marked by my boyfriends and this test is coming up " hope could see Non eyes is tearing up

Because of how much pain he going through hope bent down and said " have u ever thought that phee and Jin want the same thing to u non think about it "

Non did remember when phee and Jin wanted to Mark him but he thought they did it as a joke

Non said " do u really think they've want me hope"

Hope sighs and nod and said " ur their sunshine and their ur protectors even though I almost hurt them for hurting u in the first place but anyways just wear protection non " she winks at him

Non never knew hope knew this stuff even if white finds out he will give her a lecture even though he experienced it

Hope grab non wrist and said " let go somewhere so u won't think about all of that who u wanna invite non"

Non thinks about and said " white and baiboon please"

Hope texted them and white saw the text and smack her head and said " I was in my room u could have just Call my name  " hope shrug and said " what the point of that I love annoying u let be honest here okay buddy"

Non stares at them and oh boy the twins are arguing again and then baiboon showed up and saw the twins are arguing

Non said " hi baiboon let go to the mall and get alot of outfits " baiboon smiled and non let baiboon hop on his back

Between hope and white, hope was the mom of the group and hope said " let do a head count "

She counted and it seems to he the right number and then non scared her and non said " why are their fairy here"

Hope blinks her eye in confused but shrug and said " I guess they went home non let keep looking "

Hope then pays for everything she likes spoiling her friends

Just then non see phee and Jin and he jumped and hide behind white

And white looks at non wondering why he was scared but he protect non

If anything happens to him he will hurt someone

Hope look at non who was hiding behind white and said " what are u hiding from non "

Non grab hope legs and cling into them and said " I did see my two boyfriends but "

Hope cross her arms and trying to figure out what non is trying to say" but what non"

Non grab the hold of hope leg and said " I saw my abusive ex"

Hope then saw the direction and saw the guy and was ready to throw hands and white would try to hold hope back but since the person hurt non he won't let hope get held back

Hope said " non ur safe don't worry if that asshole try to come near us I kick him in the nuts" white was trying not to laugh because in this situation hope is serious and it surprise white and white wants cuddles from his twin sis

White pov-

Since we got home and non is staying in the guest room because his dad died and we have a funeral to go to

Non wasn't really happy nor crying it probably because his parents hate him

I Hug non and non was surprised that me tee ex is hugging non I'm no where like my ex

Me and non jumped when baiboon came and baiboon pouted and said " where's hope"

Hope has dance practice which is why I don't see her much cuz they start at night and hope also have other practices to

I said " she has dance practice and that it will happen for a week so yeah " baiboon then nodded and sat on my bed and said " can I hang out with hall this week my home owners are to bossy Even though I have feelings for them"

Non paused and said " let me guess u have feelings for Kamol and Kim and u think they don't like u am I correct baiboon "

Just then I see hope coming back from her dance practice she looks worn out hope saw baiboon sleeping on my chest and she was an awe moment

Hope pov-

As I got home from dance practice I saw baiboon on my brother chest and I was an awe moment

My brother isn't really cuddling but with certain people he will be and he likes to be secret about it

I guess baiboon is optional and it cute in this situation and I pulled out my phone and took a pic and then non jump scared me

Non said " how was practice hope did u do it well or did u mess it up again " i cross my arms and said " so many people wanna fight me non"

Non then begin to protest who would have wanna fight me and i will win in so many fights 

Non sighs and said " this ain't surprising u made alot of enemies this year hope are u Even okay with that "

Hope shrugs and said " non u know me and plus I almost punch ur ex and I will still do if he trys and i don't want u to deal with that when u been through so much pain and I'm here for u but take a deep breathe in and out okay I will always be here for u non don't forget that"

phee x Jin x nonWhere stories live. Discover now