chapter 19

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Nobody pov-

Since non want to surprise his boyfriends since they been so kind to him and nice and let him visit wherever he wants

He wants to give them a gift and he doesn't wanna tell them until it time and nick

Said " so what store do u wanna go" after alot of begging

Nick said yes he will help him go and non and nick went to alot of stores and couldn't find anything until their a promise bracelets and non wanted it but he has to save money

Non thinks and think and he got an idea and he told nick about it and nick agreed finally and nick sighs and said " I might get pay back for argeeing but okay I'll help u"

Non smiles and he dragged nick to white and hope house

They was a both asleep and non knocked on hope door and hope three a pillow at the door and said " go away white I'm trying to sleep"

Then she flop back down and just then non knock on the door and hope sighs and wakes up not fully and open the door and yawns and she sees non and nick there

And she says " non and nick do u know what time it is and why are yall here" Non gave her the pout and she gives in

The power non has it something else and hope let non and nick in her room and they sat down on the chairs and hope went downstairs to get the tea And pour it down in two cups

And white stood there and jumps care hope and hope roll her eyes And grab another cup because once white is awake it will be a pain to get him back to sleep so yeah

They went upstairs where non and nick was and hope sat down the tea while white gave out cookies

Non smiles and eats it and then said " do u wanna know why I woke u up" hope nods

And non said " help me get the promise bracelets please hope " hopes sighs

And said " how much does it cost" non went pale and said " $200 dollars please though I do anything "

Hope sighs and grab her wallet from the bed table and Gave him the money plus taxes and non looks happy and he hugs hope and she sighs and hugs him back

White said " how much money do u save in that wallet" hope smacked her twin and said " ur an ass u know that " white mimicks her

Non smiles and looks outside and it still dark and it gets scary when it still dark and non looks at hope and white and said " can me and nick stay here please "

White smiles and said " of course plus ur our guest even though u woke my sister u didn't wake me up I was playing games when u came in even though I would hear yall I didn't ur lucky though "

Hope tch and said " twin u know what our parents put out we have to go to bed at a decent time so we don't get grouchy " white glares at her and she glares back

And nick said " why don't we make a movie tmr to lighten yall mood" non smiles and nod and said " that a great idea nick and Boston might get mad that ur not there with him but he will get over it right "

Nick shrugs and said " I have friends and he can't control me If I want to see my friends then I go see my friends"

Non pov-

I smiled as nick said that atleast he can say no i can't say no I'm scared of my boyfriends but I'm glad they protect me

And I said to the three " let go rest though" white pout and hope smack his head and he rub his neck

We all went to sleep and the morning arrives and we woke up and ate breakfast and since it was the weekends

We are going for a walk and we are having fun

Just then I see the mafias and we bow our heads down and hope didn't and I look worried

And she still didn't and the mafias growl and put a gun to her face and I widen my eyes

And she step on the guy foot and he said ouch ouch ouch

We ran as fast as we could and we went out of breath and nick said " damn who are they and why do they want us for "

Hope roll her eyes as I could see and said " they don't want yall they want me "

We all look at her confused and she just gave us a look that said let move on from this conversation look

Nick pov-

Well since that was weird we went back to the house and ate food and drink sodas and water

And I haven't had this amazing food alot and I ate it And it was so delicious and non look at me and said " it seems ur enjoying that food nick"

I nod and said " it the best also what movie should we do" non then went to his thinking mode and while he think

White was drawing and drawing until he smiles at his drawing and he was picturing the sky and Grass for some reason

I touch his shoulder and he look at me and show me his drawing and I gave him a thumbs up and he said " I love drawing it makes me think the good memories and the bad memories "

I nodded and said " I'm glad u like drawing I don't know how to draw like u do but I hope one day u can teach me "

White smiles and said " of course I love to teach u and I will help u every step ur my friend after all also can u help me "

I nodded my head and he said " i miss tee but he hurt non what do I do"

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