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Chapter 7156: Everything is discussed!

Baili Hongzhuang looked at Gu Jian's business dealings, and understood what Liu Jin had said before. She was really afraid of this guy.

This person is undoubtedly pursuing profit, and he arbitrarily raises the price because of the spiritual stone in his hand.

"In recent years, the market conditions outside have not been good. In addition, the matter of crossing the immortal domain cannot be spread. It is not easy for us to keep secrets. Spirit Devouring Stones do not dare to sell them high-profile. The price is naturally affected." Baili Hongzhuang said.

Seeing Baili Hongzhuang speak, Gu Jian was also a little interested, "I didn't expect this girl to be quite good at talking, but I just want to use these few words to talk to me, I am afraid it is not enough."

"But for your beauty, I can consider it."

Liu Jin and others subconsciously looked at Di Beichen, as Men, they naturally understand the deep meaning contained in Gu Jian's eyes.

Di Beichen's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes that were as deep as the sea were even more bottomless at this moment. He stepped forward, his calm face couldn't see any mood swings.

"In addition to the Spirit Devouring Stone, we also have a business that we want to do with two of us. The rewards are very generous. I don't know if the two are interested."

Ji Chuan and Gu Jiandu Somewhat surprised, "What business?"

"We want to enter the fairyland."

As soon as these words came out, Ji Chuan's complexion changed, "Boy, you probably don't know enough about the situation of Crossing Immortal Territory. Not everyone here can come in casually."

"We know, that's why we have to discuss business with the two of us."

"Impossible. "Ji Chuan said with a cold face.

"You will not be less rewarded, not only the blood spirit stone, but also the elixir." Di Beichen ignored the opponent's refusal and said his own price. "We can guarantee that we will never reveal your situation."

"How many are there?" Gu Jian asked.

"Gu Jian! "Ji Chuan reprimanded, his eyebrows filled with displeasure.

"It is more abundant than all the blood spirit stones you are doing business this time. We don't need spirit devouring stones, we just want to go in." Di Beichen said.

"You should know that the entrance to the immortal domain has been closed, and no one who crosses the immortal domain is allowed to go out. Similarly, no one is allowed to enter." Gu Jian slowly said.

"I have heard of these news, but there are always exceptions.

Just like the buying and selling of this Spirit Devouring Stone, it is always good to discuss."

There is a confident smile on Di Beichen's face. From the moment Gu Jian didn't immediately reject him, he knew that this matter was not without discussion, but needed to achieve what the other party needed. The price is nothing.

"You are smart, but you should know that our business is conducted in secret. As long as you are cautious, others will not be able to find the clues.

However, it is a good idea to enter two big living people."

"We have Yi Rong Dan." Baili Hongzhuang said slowly.

Hearing that, Ji Chuan and Gu Jian looked at each other, revealing a little uncertainty.

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