S1 E1 : Shouldn't you repay us?

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The atmosphere in the Gupta Villa was tense as Aadarsh Gupta awaited news from his wife, Aaradhna

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The atmosphere in the Gupta Villa was tense as Aadarsh Gupta awaited news from his wife, Aaradhna. With anticipation, he asked, "Is she coming back?"

Aaradhna's expression was resolute as she replied, "Yes, she's on her way. You must speak to her and ensure she agrees to this marriage proposal. Our Prachi is a remarkable girl, and we cannot allow her to marry into a family that only sees her as a maid. As for Megha, well, she's not even legitimate. It's only right that she goes."

Aadarsh nodded solemnly. "I understand, but Megha is also my daughter."

Aaradhna's tone turned accusatory. "And yet you'd rather see Prachi cleaning up after someone else than have Megha help out a little? Bringing her up was one thing, but now that she's grown, you won't even consider her future. Marrying her into the Bhatia family would be a step up for her."

Realizing the implications of offending the Bhatia family, Aadarsh relented. "I'll talk to her. She'll go."

Meanwhile, outside, the housekeeper announced Megha's return. Pleasantly surprised, Megha ran into the house, only to stop a moment later.

Inside, Prachi and her boyfriend were standing together in the hallway.

They were leaning close together, their lips almost touching. It was a bad time to disturb them.

Megha stood there, rooted, forgetting to even move away.

When she finally attempted to turn around, she felt a slap on her face, which nearly sent her to the ground. As her cheek burned, Aaradhna grabbed her and pulled her into a room.

In a private room, Aaradhna confronted Megha, accusing her of attempting to seduce Rahul. Megha, unfazed, retorted, "Maa,If I wanted to seduce him, I wouldn't be standing there watching."

"You..."Aaradhana was about to explode with anger.

As Megha was about to leave, Aaradhna yanked her by the shoulder and sent her directly to the ground. "Have you not looked at yourself? We've been looking after you for so long with a God's heart. How dare you talk back to me when we saved you from dying on the streets with your crazy mother? So what if I hit you? Aaradhna's voice was filled with righteous indignation.

She chimed in, her words laced with disdain. "Don't delude yourself, Megha. Rahul is the heir of the Mehta family. You, a mere whore, are not worthy of his attention."

Megha's laughter cut through the tension in the room. "If I'm not good enough for him, why are you so anxious?" Despite the hurt in her heart, she refused to show weakness.

As they heard Rahul and Prachi chatting outside, Aaradhna's nervousness grew. She lowered her voice, issuing a thinly veiled threat to Megha. "Don't try anything funny. The Bhatias are coming with their second son, Chirayu Bhatia. Marrying into their family will bring you endless fortunes."

Megha's resolve wavered, but she couldn't ignore the truth. "You want me to marry a man you deem a retard?" Her protest was met with disbelief from Aaradhna.

"Marry him yourself if you're so concerned," Megha retorted, pushing past Aaradhna with newfound determination.

She refused to be a pawn in their game any longer. She had only managed to take a few steps before she heard the noisy approach of several cars. The Bhatia family had arrived, and it was clear that her family took their visit very seriously. Surrounded by the bodyguards, she felt powerless against their numbers.

A commanding voice broke through the chaos. " Young Lady, I'm doing this for your own good. Bring her back to me," she ordered to her guards.

Megha's gaze locked with her stepmother's, resisting the urge to lash out. But she was outnumbered and ultimately overpowered. With her hands bound behind her back, she was escorted back to the house.As the makeup artist worked on her, Aaradhna's gaze bore into her with murderous intent.

"You dare attempt to escape me?" she reprimanded. "You'll meet Chirayu soon, whether you like it or not."Megha struggled against her restraints, but it was futile. Aaradhna's thoughts raced as she observed Megha's beauty. "She must marry Chirayu as soon as possible," she thought, fearing the consequences of Megha's proximity to Rahul.

Under Aaradhna's command, Megha was immediately released from her binds and pushed to the front. Through the door, she could hear Chirayu's spirited voices.

"We all know that the Megha is just an illegitimate daughter. She's not really worthy of our Chirayu, but she does look quite good in photographs. After marrying into our family, as long as she helps continue our bloodline, she will greatly benefit in the future."

Give birth?

Megha sneered and thought. Was she being treated as a tool for procreation?

She saw a man standing there with a small stature. He was convulsing, shaking his head constantly as he looked around. Like a sloppy child, he was chewing on his fingers.

Aaradhna smiled and said to Megha, "You see, my dear. This is your future husband. Your golden days are coming soon."

Of course, Megha could hear the arrogance and mockery in her words.

Chirayu's erratic behavior shocked everyone, plunging the room into chaos. Aaradhna's relief was palpable, knowing it was Megha who would marry him, not her own daughter.

But as she turned around and discovered that there was no one beside her.

"Megha, where did Megha go? Go after her and catch her!" She commanded her guards.The look in Aaradhna's eyes changed as her face scrunched up.

Megha did not know how she had escaped. She only knew that when she was finally alone, her lungs were about to explode from running.

But right at that moment, she saw a car parked casually to the side. Behind the window, Gautam's disdainful face appeared before her eyes.


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