S1 E16 : First time meeting in-laws

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It has been three months since Megha had started filming for her web series

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It has been three months since Megha had started filming for her web series. Megha had a routine to reach her set early.

That day, Gaurav Kapoor came very late. The moment he entered, a large and noisy crowd of people followed behind him.

A small assistant at the side rested her head on her hands as she said in a lovestruck tone, "Gaurav Kapoor looks even more handsome in person than on television."

"Yes, his face is much more captivating in person, and his gaze is irresistible."

Megha lifted her head and took a look.She thought that Gautam's family's genes were definitely good.

It was soon when Megha finished filming her scenes, the scenes she had filmed were in bits and pieces. When she was done, she got herself a chair and found a place to sit and rest.

She was a small actress, unlike others who had assistants and managers looking after them. 

On the other hand, sitting alone was very comfortable. She looked very serious as she read the script and thought about the subsequent plot.

Having just finished filming, Gaurav turned back to see Megha sitting alone.

With her head lowered as she read the script, he thought she looked extremely amusing.

He gestured for his assistant to stop, "I'm not going to the  room. Is there space here? Shift the chair over here for me."

The assistant froze before saying hesitantly to Gaurav, "Sir, that's the resting area for small actors."

"Do what I tell you to do. Don't spout unnecessary nonsense," Gaurav said while already starting to walk over.

"Hey, Megha?" He lowered his head and called her.

Megha raised her head. When she saw that it was Gaurav, she was shocked and quickly stood up. "Gaurav sir.."

"Hey, don't move, don't move. Sit down. We have scenes together later. I came to rehearse the lines with you."

"Oh, okay, sir. But do we have scenes together later?" She recalled that their scenes were to be filmed tomorrow.

Gaurav smiled and nodded. "Mmm, I'm free today, so we're filming one more scene.

She looked at him and simply picked up her script.

Megha immersed herself in rehearsing the script with Gaurav.

Occasionally, Gaurav glanced at her, but she seemed completely focused on her lines, almost as if he wasn't there.
Resting his chin on his hand, Gaurav scrutinized Megha intently.

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