S1 E34 : Reunion

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It had been many days since Gaurav had deleated his insta post, he had been taken off from his shoot

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It had been many days since Gaurav had deleated his insta post, he had been taken off from his shoot.

One day he sat alone in his apartment, surrounded by the suffocating silence that seemed to permeate every corner of the room.

He was lost in his thoughts, his mind swirling with memories of happier times and the ache of fractured relationships.

Just as he was about to succumb to the melancholy that threatened to engulf him, there came a soft knock at the door, breaking the oppressive stillness of the room.

Startled, Gaurav rose from his seat, his heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity.

Approaching the door cautiously, he hesitated for a moment before finally opening it, revealing the figure of his elder brother, Gautam, standing on the threshold.

The sight of Gautam's familiar face sent a pang of longing through Gaurav's heart, mingling with the apprehension that gripped him.

"Bhaiya?" Gaurav uttered, his voice tinged with surprise and uncertainty.

"I... I wanted to talk to you, Gaurav," he replied quietly. "Can I come in?"

Gaurav hesitated for a moment before stepping aside, allowing him to enter his apartment.

Once inside, Gautam cleared his throat, his hands fidgeting nervously at his sides. "Gaurav, I... I owe you an apology," he began, his voice faltering slightly.

"I know I haven't been the best brother to you, and I'm sorry for that. I was not present with you for so long, and I regret that deeply."

Gaurav listened in stunned silence, his heart swelling with a mixture of emotions.

Why is he apologizing? It was Gaurav himself who was selfish, it was him who was not present in their life for so long, it was him who chose to break all contacts with their family, it was him who was not present to support their mother after their father's demise.So why is his brother apologizing to him when it is clearly not his fault?

Memories of their childhood flashed before Gaurav's eyes. He remembered Gautam's irritated face whenever their mother talked endlessly about his embarrassing moments, he still remembered Gautam's "Maa please....it makes me feel disgusted.. how could you say someting like that to your son".

A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he recalled the countless adventures they had embarked on together, the laughter echoing through the halls of their childhood home.

Suddenly,he found himself overcome with the urge to lighten the mood, to bridge the gap between them with a touch of levity. "Remember that time we tried to build a treehouse in the backyard?" he interjected, his voice tinged with amusement. "And it collapsed on us before we could even finish it?"

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