S1 E22 : Video

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Next day Gautam returned to the ward, asked Megha about her health with a faint smile and retreated to the bathroom, leaving Megha alone in her thoughts

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Next day Gautam returned to the ward, asked Megha about her health with a faint smile and retreated to the bathroom, leaving Megha alone in her thoughts.

Her leg had remained still throughout the day, granting her some respite. She laxly scrolled through her phone until a notification interrupted her reverie-a message, 'don't you wanna know where your husband was last night?' accompanied by a video.

Opening the message, she watched the blurry footage unfold before her eyes. It depicted a scene from the previous evening -Shreya and Gautam, locked in a tight embrace at her house. Shreya clung to Gautam, reluctant to let go, while Gautam reciprocated the gesture, his arm wrapped around her.

Megha's heart sank as she clenched her phone tightly.

A suffocating feeling engulfed her, and she bit down on her lip, trying to stifle the wave of emotions crashing over her. Despite her best efforts, a bitter smile tugged at her lips. Gautam appeared happy with Shreya.

A sense of betrayal gnawed at her, mingling with the hurt and confusion.

Why had Gautam deceived her into believing he cared about her? Why had he played with her feelings only to break her heart like this? She felt like a mere pawn in his game, outmatched by his skillful acting.

But amidst the turmoil, a moment of clarity emerged. Shreya was behind this, she was sure of it. With a heavy heart, she deleted the video and stared up at the chandelier above, lost in thought.Yet, a nagging doubt lingered-perhaps Shreya was right. After all, she and Gautam had shared years together. Maybe he couldn't bear to separate from her.

When Gautam emerged from the bathroom, Megha appeared to be asleep. He approached her quietly, noticing the diamond ring lying beside her. Picking it up, he examined it thoughtfully. It was exquisite, fitting for her delicate fingers.

But it seemed she had little interest in jewelry, a curious contradiction to her seemingly materialistic nature.

She was an enigma-seemingly greedy yet indifferent to material possessions.

Perhaps, like many women, she enjoyed the thrill of shopping, or maybe her perceived greed was just a facade, a defense mechanism against a world that had often disappointed her. Megha remained a puzzle he couldn't quite solve.

As evening descended, Rekha ji with her bodyguards arrived at Megha's ward, bearing a tray of specially prepared food for her daughter-in-law.

With a soft smile, she approached Megha's bed, only to find her fast asleep. Nearby, Gautam sat on a couch, engrossed in his work.

Observing the scene, Rekha ji felt a wave of emotion wash over her. Despite the challenges they faced, there was a sense of tranquility in the air.

When Gautam noticed Rekha ji's arrival, he greeted her warmly. "Maa, you came?"

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