S1 E21 : Are you in love with her?

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Shreya's voice quivered with emotion as she poured out her heart to Gautam

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Shreya's voice quivered with emotion as she poured out her heart to Gautam.

"Gautam, how could you say something like that to me? I'm the person you've loved all your life. I've invested so much time and care in you. I've adjusted to your strange living environment. I'm the one you wanted to marry, the one you fought with your dadaji for. How could you refer to me as the other woman?"

Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to make sense of Gautam's words.

Gautam sighed heavily, feeling the weight of the conversation bearing down on him. "Shreya, we can't dwell on the past. Life doesn't always go the way we want it to. Yes, I married Megha without my will, but at the end of the day, she's my wife. I have to respect and protect her," he explained, his voice tinged with exhaustion from the recent accident and Megha's surgery.

"Shreya, I think it's time for us to end our relationship. Let's break up."

Shreya's world shattered around her as she sank onto the couch, tears blurring her vision.

"I need to know, Gautam. Are you breaking up with me because you've fallen in love with Megha?" she asked, her voice trembling with vulnerability.

Caught off guard by the directness of her question, Gautam froze for a moment before responding carefully. "Shreya, this has nothing to do with Megha. It's about us," he replied, his words measured and cautious.

"But it does matter! If Megha weren't in the picture, would you still want to break up with me?" Shreya pressed, her desperation evident in her voice.

"Just tell me the truth. Are you in love with Megha?"

Gautam struggled to find the right words, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. "I... I can't explain it," he confessed, his voice trailing off uncertainly.

His connection with Megha was complex, and he couldn't quite articulate his feelings.

"I just know that I want to treat her well, in a way that feels different from what we had."

Shreya's next words cut through Gautam's thoughts like a knife.

"Our relationship is pure, Gautam. Don't throw it away for someone like Megha. You'll never find a connection as genuine as ours," she insisted, her voice tinged with desperation. "Mark my words, Gautam. You'll regret this."

Frustration bubbled up inside Gautam as he stood up abruptly. "Enough, Shreya," he said firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Tears continued to stream down Shreya's face as she looked at Gautam pleadingly. "Can I hug you one last time?" she begged, her voice cracking with emotion.

"After this,I don't know if I'll ever get this chance again..."Gautam hesitated for a moment before reluctantly nodding.

As Shreya embraced him, Gautam felt a pang of sadness wash over him. This truly was the end of an era. They were a couple for a decade and now they are breaking up like this...on a sad node.

But as he gently pushed her away, he knew it was time to move on. "Live well, Shreya. I... I have to go," he said quietly, his face betraying no emotion.

As Gautam walked away, Shreya watched him with a mixture of sadness and anger.

And then, her gaze fell upon her living room's surveillance camera, and a devious smirk played across her lips.

If she couldn't live well, Megha wouldn't either.

Exiting Shreya's house, Gautam's demeanor shifted, his expression clouded with discomfort. He rolled up his sleeves, revealing red rashes spreading across his skin.

Despite feeling uneasy during Shreya's embrace, he hadn't protested, wanting to avoid further confrontation.

As he rushed to Dr. Chadha's hospital, his condition worsened, his body wracked with nausea and discomfort.

Gautam sat in the VIP room of Dr. Chadha's hospital , his mind consumed with turmoil.

His encounter with Shreya had left him feeling drained and unsettled, and now, as he examined his hands, he noticed the red rashes that marred his skin.

Dr. Chadha approached him, a concerned look etched on his face.

"Gautam, it's been two hours since you started washing your hands. You're overdoing it, and you're damaging your skin," he said gently, gesturing to the bottle of liquid soap in Gautam's hand.

Gautam sighed, feeling a sense of frustration wash over him. "So dirty....I will get sick , they are really dirty," his voice tinged with exhaustion and disgust.

Dr. Tej Chadha nodded sympathetically, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I understand, Gautam. But you need to take care of yourself," he said firmly, handing Gautam a bottle of special rash-relief medicine.

Gautam nodded, taking the bottle gratefully. As he applied the medicine to his rashes, he couldn't help but reflect on the strange turn of events that had led him to this moment.

"It's strange, Tej. In the three months that I've been with Megha, I never experienced anything like this. But now, after just one encounter with Shreya, my body is reacting like this," he mused, his brow furrowing in confusion.

Dr. Chadha frowned, considering Gautam's words carefully. "It's certainly unusual. But stress can manifest in unexpected ways," he offered, trying to provide some semblance of an explanation.

Gautam nodded, feeling a sense of unease settle over him. Whatever the cause of his sudden rash, one thing was clear-his encounter with Shreya had left a lasting impact, both physically and emotionally.

As he continued to ponder the events of the day, Gautam couldn't shake off the feeling of foreboding that lingered within him. Little did he know, the turmoil he was experiencing was only the beginning of a much larger storm that was about to engulf his life.


What do you think Shreya is going to do now?

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What do you think Shreya is going to do now?

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