S1 E29 : Is he Gautam Kapoor?

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Megha was stunned

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Megha was stunned.

She looked up at her father, who had suddenly seemed to change.What was he trying to do? Why did his attitude completely turn?

Gautam continued looking at her father condescendingly, "We only just got together, so I'm not in a hurry to visit her home with her."

"Oh, but we welcome you anytime! The sooner the better," Megha's father laughed loudly.

"Megha has always been the cause of our worries. She is still young and immature. In the future, she will understand that all we have done is for her own good. Now, she is under your care."

Gautam lowered his head and held her hand delicately.Megha lifted her head to follow his gaze.

Gautam said plainly, "She is the loveliest and most beautiful girl I've ever met. Being with her makes me very happy. Taking care of her is my duty."

Megha's heart skipped a little.Looking up at her husband, she had never thought that he would help her this way.She was extremely touched. No one had ever treated her as nicely as this man does.

Aadarsh's eyes flashed at Gautam, gradually becoming humbled. Aaradhna was not happy to see her husband humbling himself to a cheap man like that. It was unimaginable!

Gautam said, "Her leg was injured because of a car accident. It has not completely healed yet and she needs plenty of rest. If there's nothing else, I will take her with me."

Megha's father immediately replied, "Of course, of course. Please go ahead. Right this way."

Gautam glanced scornfully at Aaradhna one last time. As he was pushing Megha away, Aaradhna gritted her teeth.

What kind of attitude was that? How dare he behave like that in front of her?

From afar, Rahul watched Megha leave with a handsome but cold-looking man. His heart shook a little.

Who was that guy?

With curiosity on his face, Rahul walked towards them while overhearing Aaradhna angrily lashing out at her husband, "What the hell are you doing? Why were you all over that man, grovelling at his feet?"

Aadarsh glared at Aaradhna, "He was not an ordinary man."

Aaradhna retorted, "Yeah, he looks decent, but Rahul is also good-looking and even richer than him."

"Haven't you noticed that he had a ring on his finger. That ring is not something you see on just anybody."

"Ha, it's just a ring. Why would a man be donning jewelry anyway?" she said indignantly.

He replied, "You know nothing.It was made up of The Blue Moon Of Joesphine diamond. Joseph Lau had recently sold this to The Kapoors for 70.4 million dollers. It was all over news."

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