S1 E31 : Another scandal

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Megha walked into the bathroom, eager to put the dress on

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Megha walked into the bathroom, eager to put the dress on. She came out in a beautiful turquoise off shoulder formal dress.

Gautam's eyes lit up as he saw how different she looked. Megha twirled slowly, making her gown bloom like a flower. 

"How do I look?"

"You look like a flower."

Upon hearing that, she said, "You are really a sweet guy." She happily sat back in the couch.

Soon, they left the hotel.

Later that night, Megha sat in her room looking at her phone and reading the news that was already reporting on Prachi's engagement party.

From the report, the party looked amazing and enviable. She read the comments below with many saying how beautiful Prachi looked and how handsome her husband was.

She sighed and turned off the comments. Lying down, she checked her instagram, she came across the latest insta post which has tagged her and Gaurav, the text was really long, the post had something like, 

"Although I do not think you deserve our Gaurav but he likes you. So as his true fans we will not bash you anymore."

She was puzzled. What did it mean that he liked her. She checked the comment section of her last instagram post and found some strange cooments like,

"Are you guys really together? Congratulations."

"I have to admit it, you guys really look good together and he also likes you."

As she scrolled down, she felt that something was not right.

Just then, Kavya called her.

As soon as she recieved the call, she heard her say, "What's going on? You're together with him?"

"Who's together with who?"She had no clue what had happened.

"Gaurav just posted on insta. You didn't see it? Everybody is going crazy. Look at what he said. It seems like he has declared his relationship with you and told everyone to leave you alone. I really..."

She said, "Let me take a look..."she quickly hung up

When she checked Gaurav's account,she saw a long message that was posted barely a few minutes ago.

He wrote, "From the beginning until now, I've always worked sincerely in my field. I was afraid to disappoint my fans, friends and my family who have supported me. There was never a moment when I was living for myself. But now, I wish to live for myself. As such, I hope you all will support us..."

She immediately started reading the comments that followed.

Some people who joined in the hot topic said, "Poor Gaurav. Let's all support him."

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