S1 E12 : The filming begains

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Filming for the web series was about to commence, and Megha was set to portray the character of the upright yet evil soul

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Filming for the web series was about to commence, and Megha was set to portray the character of the upright yet evil soul. The first filming location was at Film City's studio, where the opening party was also scheduled to take place.

The series, titled "Samsara: Enter the valley of the Gods," had already generated significant buzz due to its popularity as a novel.

The anticipation further heightened as the male lead was none other than The Gaurav Kapoor.

As Megha arrived at the studio, she couldn't shake off the feeling of suddenly becoming famous. Everyone seemed to know that the role of third female lead had been assigned to a rookie actress, and that rookie actress was her.

Navigating through the crowd, Megha felt her head spinning as she mingled with the seasoned professionals. She couldn't help but feel a bit out of place.But then, she noticed Prachi stepping out in a pastel pink dress, drawing attention with her refreshing presence.

Shortly after, the announcement of Gaurav's arrival stirred up excitement among the crowd. Gaurav Kapoor, immensely popular since his debut, was the newest heartthrob in the industry. His mere presence ignited frenzy among fans, showcasing his star power.

Beside Megha,her manager Kavya urged her to approach Gaurav.

"You have several scenes together. Make sure to establish a good relation with him. Otherwise, it might affect your on-screen chemistry."

Nervously, Megha made her way towards Gaurav. As she greeted him, she couldn't help but notice the slight resemblance he shared with his brother, Gautam.

After the introductions, Gaurav observed Megha with interest, noting her unique aura amidst the sea of familiar faces. Despite her initial hesitation, Megha maintained her composure, determined to make a good impression.

Gaurav teased, "Am I intimidating you?"

Feeling slightly flustered, Megha chuckled nervously. "No, not at all."

Gaurav persisted, "Then why do you seem hesitant to look at me?"

Embarrassed, Megha explained, "I'm just feeling a bit uncomfortable..."

Gaurav reassured her, "You have nothing to worry about."

As Megha tried to navigate the social dynamics of the set, she couldn't help but feel relieved that she and Prachi didn't have any scenes together. She simply wanted to focus on her role and avoid any unnecessary conflicts.

Meanwhile Gaurav looked at the director beside him. "Hey, do I look very scary?"

The director answered in order to flatter him. "Of course not Gaurav. So many people idolize you."

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