S1 E8 : Gautam's Girlfriend?

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Well you guys know how to make the reading experience more joyful don't you!

Happy reading you all ! 📚 😊


Megha said, "But whether or not you have money is none of my business since we'll be getting a divorce anyway

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Megha said, "But whether or not you have money is none of my business since we'll be getting a divorce anyway."

Gautam chuckled amusingly at her innocence. "It's good that you are aware of that."

Megha got into his car, admiring his perfect side profile as she settled into her seat. She couldn't help but gaze at his attractive jawline, lost in her thoughts.

Gautam stole a glance at her and noticed her legs spreading wide open. His brows furrowed in discomfort. "Can you please sit more properly?"

Startled, Megha quickly looked down at her dress, realizing her mistake. "Sorry, I forgot I was wearing a dress," she admitted sheepishly, closing her legs.

But Gautam was still discomforted.
"Hey, your legs are still closed asymmetrically!"

Confused, Megha asked, "What?"

Then she realized Gautam's OCD and quickly adjusted her posture to close her legs symmetrically, trying to accommodate his discomfort and asked him,"Is this posture symmetrical now?" She felt like a child who was trying to please her parent after doing something wrong.

Gautam's disapproving gaze lingered on her before he spoke again. "Seriously. You need to bear some semblance of a woman."

Megha retorted, "Will you not divorce me if I bear some semblance of a woman?"

Gautam was momentarily speechless at her boldness. "Miss Megha, I just hope that our marriage will be more comfortable for the both of us. Shouldn't you take some responsibility for this too? After all, this entire incident arose because of you."

Megha fired back, "Ha, you're speaking as if I forced you to strip my clothes off that night. The only thing I did was make you har-."

"Hey hey hey stop...how could you- how could you say something like that to your husband..please stop!" Gautam was obviously disgusted and cringed.

Megha found his expressions very comical she laughingly said,'Haha Gautam your expressions are so funny."

Gautam tried to keep a straight still feeling embarassed ,"No they are not."

Megha's lips curved into a smile as she leaned closer to him. "Do you want me to take a picture and show you?"

He slapped her hand away, embarrassed. As they continued their journey, the atmosphere in the car remained awkward, with both of them avoiding eye contact.

Eventually, the driver's voice broke the tension. "Sir, Ma'am, we have arrived."

(Was he hearing all their childish conversation the whole time?!)

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