S1 E4 : Wedding Night

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His explanation was unexpected; she raised her teary eyes in surprise and confusion

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His explanation was unexpected; she raised her teary eyes in surprise and confusion.

He thought to himself, Since they had to live together, he should tell her about his conditions .Letting out a breath, he said, "Sometimes people make me feel uncomfortable. It's not simply that I can't touch them. I will even develop rashes, vomit repeatedly, and my blood flow will increase rapidly. That is why I avoided you."

Megha could not understand. " Is it a psychiatric condition?"

Gautam sat there besides her ,he looked completely healthy.His eyes were as still as water in a well. He was used to this.

After all, he had seen countless doctors for 30 years of his life.

"It's both."He looked a little fatigued.

"You must keep this a secret from outsiders. I'm telling you only because we'll be living together. I hope you know that my family wanted us to get married because they think you are an exception of my condition since I touched you and you know what happed....."

So this was the truth.
She knew that what had happened between them was because of some things she had done.

She nodded her head in embarrassment. "Of course, of course. It's not your fault that you have OCD. Sorry, I touched you because I didn't know about it. I promise I won't touch you again."

Her gaze was fixed on him as she smiled at him resolutely.Gautam looked away from her and said quietly, "Okay, let's go to bed then."

Megha nodded her head vigorously. She stood up, "I'll sleep on the couch."

"No need." Gautam laid down on the couch.

Putting aside her guilt, Megha didn't dare to touch him again. She found a blanket and dived under it.

After turning off the lights, the room was plunged into darkness.Their breathing mixed into the air and circulated slowly.

The couch was not comfortable so he kept adjusting and re-adjusting his body. He could clearly hear someone tossing and turning on the bed.

His brow furrowed in unhappiness. He could tell that she was sleeping soundly, but her sleeping posture was truly unsightly.

He really could not get used to having a woman-especially one who he had slept with-share the same room with him. As such, he got up and walked out. The memories of his mother and grandfather practically threatening him to marry her flashed before his eyes.

"Maa, she used an unorthodox method. It has nothing to do with my condition getting better!" Gautam said, his eyes darkening.

His mother, Rekha looked at him and said all giggly, "But your subordinates said that you were very satisfied with her and you even..."

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