S1 E10 : Meeting with Shreya

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Hey wonderful people! How are you all?

So , Lily23684 for you, I am adding this extra chapter today upon your request. Your support means the world to TheWritingDuo!

Happy reading! 😊


Megha was in a fantastic mood when she returned home, but her excitement dissipated the moment she stepped inside

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Megha was in a fantastic mood when she returned home, but her excitement dissipated the moment she stepped inside.

There, seated on the couch where Gautam usually sat, was Shreya.

Shreya's here?

Megha thought to herself, feeling a pang of discomfort at the unexpected encounter.

Even though her marriage with Gautam was just for show, facing Shreya still felt awkward.Trying to maintain composure,Megha smiled and greeted her.

"Hi, you're here. I'll go in first. You go ahead."

Shreya stood up, her demeanor cold. She looked at Megha and said, "Why are you running away and avoiding me? We'll have to meet sooner or later."

Megha was taken aback. But before she could respond, she sensed a chill in Shreya's gaze.

Shreya continued, "Although Gautam told me yesterday that he was forced into this marriage by his family, I don't know what method you used to gain the approval of his family. However, I still want to make things clear to you. Gautam and I have been together since childhood. We're childhood sweethearts and have always been in a loving relationship. Your little tricks won't be able to separate us. I hope you'll understand your position. I know that Gautam is nice, but he has reputation and status. It'd be best for you to understand that he's out of your reach!"

Megha's impression of Shreya vanished instantly.Megha chuckled sarcastically, her tone laced with disbelief.

"Since Miss Shreya is already so confident in his loyalty, there's no need for you to issue these warnings. Rest assured, I have no intention of meddling in your relationship. As you said, trust is key, so please continue trusting him."

Shreya's expression darkened at Megha's response. "Yes, I trust him, but I can't ignore his charm. Many women are drawn to him. You're not the first, nor will you be the last. Megha, I advise you to tread carefully. Gautam loves me and only me. He won't be swayed by anyone else. If I discover any interference from you, I won't hesitate to act."

Megha merely rolled her eyes at Shreya's threats, unimpressed by her attempts to intimidate.

Shreya rose from her seat with an air of arrogance, her luxurious attire enhancing her aura of superiority.

"Don't for a moment believe that marrying Gautam gives you any real claim over him. I'll make it clear to him that I don't want him with you. I'll urge him to leave this place and come live with me. Even if you're legally married, you won't have him. Your hidden agendas won't work on him!"

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