S1 E27 : Engagement Party

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Let's stop here before I fall too deep for you,
I've gone too far already, it's true.

Unlike others, I find it hard to let you go,
The thought of missing you hurts me so.


"If you're going to sleep, don't play with your phone anymore

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"If you're going to sleep, don't play with your phone anymore."Gautam looked at Megha who was laying besides him.

Megha said, "I just took a glance of the news. I'll sleep soon."

She laid on her side, facing Gautam. His eyes were already shut. Even lying down, Gautam's body was completely straight. Every time she looked at him, she always felt as if he would not move at all in the night.

Megha looked at his face which was fully illuminated under the weak shining light. Only half of his body was covered by the blanket.

Megha lay awake in the darkness of the room, her thoughts swirling in turmoil. Beside her, Gautam slept soundly, his rhythmic breathing a stark contrast to the chaos in her mind.

Megha turned her head away quickly. This was seriously fatal. She felt like she had become somewhat entranced by his beauty.

She turned to look at him, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. Gautam, her husband, but also the man she couldn't help but develop feelings for. Was it wrong to feel this way? Was there even a chance for her?

As she watched him, a part of her longed for him to wake up and reassure her, to tell her that everything would be okay. But another part feared the answer to the question that gnawed at her soul: had Gautam truly broken up with Shreya?

Unable to bear the weight of her thoughts alone any longer, Megha gently shook Gautam's hand. "Gautam," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "Are you awake?"

Gautam stirred, blinking sleepily as he turned to look at her. "Hmm..." his voice husky with sleep.

Megha hesitated, unsure of how to voice her fears. "Gautam, I... I need to know," she began, her words faltering. "Have you really broken up with Shreya?"

Gautam sighed, his expression troubled. "Yes, I have," he admitted. "It wasn't fair to her or to you to continue that relationship while I'm married to you, even if it's just on paper."

Megha felt a mix of emotions swirling within her. She sighed before flipping her body around and lying down properly. With her nerves jangled, she did not really sleep well. She was half asleep the entire night but at the very least, she did not move again.

Sure enough, the news gradually died down over the next two days. However, the after-effects remained. Megha's social media page was still being flooded with visitors.

Contrary to expectations, her fan count had been steadily increasing so at least she had not been scolded for nothing. She also had some fame as an actress for the first time, which counted as her having some presence for the first time.

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