Chapter Four

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Hey guys! It's Thursday again, you know what that means. ANOTHER UPDATE YAY!!


What are you the proudest of?

my answer

I am proud of what we have accomplished on Wattpad. There's almost 500 of you guys, and it shocks me to look at how many reads I have on some stories. I just, it makes me so proud of both myself and us all.

Comment what you're proud of below c:

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Mitch's POV

"Scott Richard Hoying!" I got out of the car and slammed the door myself. He looked over at me. We weren't inside the house before we started yelling like an old married couple. "Why can't I give someone my number? What fucking harm does it do to you?"

"You wouldn't understand," He said, calmly and looked away from me.

"Why wouldn't I? It's not like that guy was a bad person," I paused. "Wait, is he one of your ex's?"

"What, ew no. I just..." He paused and looked at me. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten that mad. Forgive me?"

I gave him an 'are you fucking kidding me' look, which he then smiled stupidly at me and I cracked a smile. Damn him.

I sighed and chuckled. I shook my head and looked at him, slightly biting my lip. "Fine. I forgive you."

"Yay!" He ran inside the house. 

Scott's POV 

God, am I bipolar or something? We're getting no where! Especially when I act like that! Ugh, I'm so stupid. 

I grabbed my phone and went to my room. I decided to call Kirstie and see if she could give me advice. 

Ring. Ring. Ring. 

"Hey! This is Kirstie... 's voicemail. Haha, I got you-" I hung up. I tried Kevin.

Ring. Ring. Ring. 

"Hey, you've reached my mailbox. Sorry I'm-" I hung up. I tried Avi.

Ring. Ring. Ri-

"Hello?" I jumped at the deep voice that came from my phone.

"Avi? Is that you?"

"Scott, what do you want at... 2 AM?"

"I, I need some help," I told him. I heard him adjust his position in bed. 

"What's wrong?" 

I looked around before I spoke, to make sure Mitch wasn't around.

"It's about Mitch... I..."

"You love him," Avi stated. This shocked me.

"Wait what? How do you know?" He chuckled.

"It's obvious, but Mitch is oblivious to it. He sees it, as kindness probably," Avi said.

"I just, I really wanna tell him how I feel, but I doubt he feels the same way. Like, I know he loves me in a friend way," I took a deep breathe. "I just, I love him... I love him so, so much. And it pains me to see him like other people. Avi, why did this have to happen to me? What did I ever do to deserve this pain?"

"Aye, calm down bro. It'll be okay."

"He gave some guy his number today at Starbucks. I, I got really angry and just ugh! Why does he have to flirt in front of me?"

"He doesn't know how you feel. Maybe telling him might help," Avi said and yawned. "Yo, Scott, I'm tired. I'm going back to sleep. Hope you figure this out, though. I'm sure he'll feel the same. Night," Avi said and dial tone. 

I sighed and put my phone down on my night stand and laid down.

jordan jay 

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