Chapter Forty

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Sorry for all the dialogue, jeez. It's one of those chapters where a lot of talking happens and that's it. And, I do not know exactly what happened between Travis and Mitch, nor do I know anything about their relationship, however to add more of a storyline, I'm adding something about Travis in here. And so, I decide to say he cheated on Mitch, which I'm sure if that happened or not, so please don't get mad at me.

But I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!! Can't wait til the next update for a back story. I don't there's been a flashback in this story yet, so I can't wait to show you guys how I plan to word that.


What is your opinion on Travis? I know he's in the past, but I wanna know what y'all thought of him, or think of him now.

my answer

Personally, I imagine Travis being very stuck up, although I don't know him so I can't say that for sure. I would like to say he's a nice person, because I couldn't see Mitch dating, let alone almost marrying someone who's not nice, you know? But I don't know.

Comment how your answer below c:

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Mitch's POV

I bit his ear again. I saw him grip onto the knife in his hand, tightly.

"Alex, come on, you know you wanna tell me."

"N-no, I-I can't-t..." I let go of him, after rolling my eyes and walked out of the kitchen, to the other side of the counter.

"Well alright. That's fine with me, your loss," I told him, leaning over the counter after shrugging.

"Why'd, why'd you stop?"

"Well because you wouldn't tell me what I wanted, so why should I reward you with something like that?" He looked at me, dumbfounded.

"You and Scott, you guys kissed, it was around your birthday. I think it was the day of your birthday." I turned my head slightly, intrigued. He gulped. "You guys... probably would've went further if I hadn't came in and interrupted you guys." He looked to the ground.

"Were we both drunk or something?" His eyes widened slightly.

"No, I'm guessing you were but he wasn't. He was sober, or almost completely sober."

"He kissed me when he was sober, too?"

"Too?" Shit.

"Um, yeah. He kissed me a while back, when he was drunker than all hell."

"Really? When was this?"

"Erm, the 4th of July, I think?" His eyes widened.

"But, he and I were..." He looked completely distraught. "He and I were dating, well starting to..."

"But why are you upset about this, when you caught him kissing me?"

"I knew about it when I caught you guys. And I was upset about it, you were just too drunk to notice. And did you ever wonder why I got super angry at you after your birthday?"

I had to think about it. He was acting sorta different to me after my birthday. Well, that one day.

"Yeah. I mean it was one day, but yeah."

"That's why... But then, stuff happened between you and I, and I sorta, yeah..." He looked to the ground, embarrassed. He did look sad though, which bothered me for some odd reason.

"Alex," I mumbled, staring at him.

"It's just, I guess since I didn't know it was happening for a while, that's what bothered me. It was happening right under my nose, you know?"

"I'm... sorry, sorry I didn't tell you about this sooner. To be fair, Scott doesn't know either. But yes, I understand how this feels. Well, similar. I was cheated on a few times by one of my exes." Travis.

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