Chapter Five

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Hey guys! It's Monday again! I hope you guys are all doing well!


What's the best compliment you've ever received?

my answer 

I would have to say any of the ones about my writing. Like, when someone tells me they want me to publish a paperback/hardcover book. It like, brings tears to my eyes.

Comment your's below c:

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Mitch's POV 

I should go talk to Scott. 

"I just, I really wanna tell him how I feel, but I doubt he feels the same way. Like, I know he loves in a friend way," I heard him say when I got to the door. I stood in the doorway and listened in. "I just, I love him... I love him so, so much. And it pains me to see him like other people." I started to walk away at this point. "Avi, why did this have to happen to me? What did I ever do to deserve this pain?" was the last thing I heard.

I went to my room and laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Tears were running down my face. Why doesn't he love me? Am I that, like, unattractive? 

Beyonce started playing from my phone. 

"Who run the world? Girls! Who run this motha? Girls!-"

"Hello?" I sniffed. 

"Hey, cutie," a slightly familiar voice said.

"Uh, who is this?"

"Jayden, silly. Did you forget me already?" He had this like, flirty tone to his voice. It was sexy, not gonna lie.

"No, sorry. My brain just isn't working  right now. Sorry," I took a deep breathe to gather myself. "So how are you?" I smiled to myself. 

"I'm great now that I'm talking to you." I felt myself blush. "How are you? You sound like you were crying."

"Uh, no. I wasn't crying. I'm great."

"So, what's up with you and that guy you with today? Uh, I forgot his name," he asked and tried to think of Scott's name.

"Scott. That was his name. And nothing is going on between him and I."

"Do you like him?" My eyes widened.

"What? No! Of course I don't!" I said really loudly, and very unconvincing. "I mean, no."

"It doesn't sound like that," he chuckled while saying that. This made me angry. 

"I do not have any feelings for Scott, besides friendship. And that's that!" I literally yelled that. I'm positive Scott heard it. But right now, I didn't care. "Look, Jayden, I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Call me in the morning please," I said, irritated and rubbing the bridge of my nose. 

"Oh, okay, night," he said and hung up. 

I threw my phone on the floor, gently.

jordan jay 

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