Chapter Eight

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Really short chapter, I'm sorry I love you guys!! Don't hate me because it's short. If I continued it would have too much going on in one chapter, I'm sorry. I love you guys. 


If you had a chance for a "do-over" in life, what would you do differently?  

my answer 

Honestly, I don't know. All my do overs would be so dumb and for little things. Probably my main one I'm dealing with right now is I wouldn't have applied for the school I did. I don't want to go there anymore and I regret applying. But hey, school hasn't started yet so I don't know. 

Comment your do over below!

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Mitch's POV 

I was laying on my bed, crying. Being as dumb as I am, I was listening to RE.UP by Rationale. I missed him so much. I just wanted to call him, or go to Avi's and hug him and kiss him. 

He left yesterday, and hasn't came back. He hasn't called or anything. Is he even gonna come back... I shouldn't think like that. God I love him too much.

I got up and turned off my music. "I can't let him run my life." I started laughing hysterically. "Who am I kidding? He is my life. He has been since we became best friends." My phone started ringing. 


"Aye, it's still probably too early for this, but would you like to go on a date with me sometime?" It was Jayden. Maybe this is Jesus telling me to move on from Scott.

"Actually... we have a party coming up. For the fourth of July, you should come. As a date. My date," I said smoothly. 

"I'd love to! That's what, this Saturday?" 

"Uh, I believe so. I'll text you the detail. Is that okay?"

"That'll be fantastic! I can't wait to see you again," I could hear his smile. I smiled to  myself. He's actually cute. Maybe he can help me replace Scott.

"I can't wait either," I said with a  smile. 

Scott's POV 

I need to get over Mitch. I don't care what it takes, I need to get over him. It hurts too much to love him. 

"Avi, I'm going somewhere," I announced and grabbed my coat and wallet. 

"Where are you going? It's like, 3 in the morning," Avi informed me. 

"I don't know. Probably Starbucks. I don't care how late or earlier it is." With that I was gone and heading to Starbucks.  

jordan jay 

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