Chapter Fifty

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No question of the week, lovelies. Sorry xc

Scott's POV

I was on my way to the hospital when my phone rang. I struggled to pick up the phone while driving.

"Ah! Hello?"

"Is this the number of," the man paused. "Scott Richard Hoying?" I didn't recognize the voice.

"Um, yeah. Who is this?"

"This is the hospital. You, uh, boyfriend Mitchell-"

"He's, he's not my-"

"Whatever." Rude. I started to pull into a parking lot, so I didn't didn't end up in an accident. "Anyways, Mitchell Grassi, he refused treatment and so he blacked out due to a loss of oxygen. He currently is hooked up to an oxygen tank."

"Is, is he going to die?" My heart broke to only just /speak/ those words about him.

"More than likely not. We need you here as soon as possible though. Are you on your way?"

"Yes, yes I am. I uh, I had to pull over to talk to you on the phone. I didn't want to get a ticket or something," I told him.

"Ah, that's smart. I'd hurry if I were you." Dial tone.

I turned off the car for a second to take a breather. Wow, he's really in the hospital. He's really sick. He's really dying.

"Why did this have to happen now," I yelled to myself. I punched the steering wheel, accidentally honking the horn, scaring some poor mother and her baby. I just kinda looked down in embarrassment.

I started up the car again and continued on my way to the hospital. There just had to be an insane amount of traffic. I looked out the window.

"At least he made it to the hospital. At least I could help him," I started to tear up. "I just, I don't wanna lose him... I..." A tear feel down my cheek. "I just want him to be okay, to be alive." I put my head on the wheel and tears ran down my face.


I jumped and realized I was still in my car. I moved forward and continued on my way.

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