Chapter Twenty-Six

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What's your favorite TV show?

my answer

Probably Todrick or Faking It on MTV. Go check those out, yo!!! They're pretty cool. Faking It is on MTV *new* on Mondays at 9:30 pm PST and Todrick is on MTV at 10:30 pm PST or 10 pm PST! They're pretty rad, so I'd check 'em out yo!!!

Comment how your answer below c:

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Mitch's POV 

The fandom was going crazy because it was my birthday. I don't understand what the big deal was? Like, hurray, I'm turning 23! But like, it's not that big of a deal, is it? 23 isn't a like, golden age or anything. 

"Mitch! Are you ready to be 23?" Scott was jumping up and down happily in front of me. 

"I mean, yeah. I don't see what's so different about it," I gave a chuckle. 

"We're totally going shopping!" He laughed, making me laugh. "We're gonna buy you a lot of clothes and you'll be a pretty little princess," he gave me a hug and laughed. I hugged him back and smiled. 

"Alright, if you say so,"I said chuckling a bit. 

"So, where do you wanna go first?" 

So, the day passed on. We went shopping for hours and I loved it! I mean, I was hanging out with the man of my dreams, and we were buying me things! How better can it get than that? I mean, maybe if he knew he was the man of my dreams... and we were dating... 

"Want some more Starbucks?" He started walking in the direction of a Starbucks. 

"I mean, if you insist," I laughed and followed after him. While we were waiting in a line to order our drinks a cute guy walked past. Of course, I snuck a peek at his ass. Bite me if you don't like me doing it. 

"Mitchell!" Scott hit my shoulder. Oops, he must've saw. He chuckled and shifted on his feet. "So, are we buying alcohol? For ya know, you're birthday party." I looked at him like he was crazy. "What?"

"We have a show tomorrow," he tapped my shoulder. I shrugged and he gave a sigh. "Sure, ya know what, fine. Yeah, let's get wasted tonight. But we're gonna regret it tomorrow." We walked forward. 

"What can I get you today," a cute girl with orange hair asked us when we got to the register. 

"Uh, Mitch you go first. I forgot to think about to what to get."

"Okay, can I get grand iced soy latte, triple shot, please?" She nodded, and started typing something into the register. She looked at Scott and waited for him to give an answer.

"Coconut milk?" 

"Hmm?" The girl straightened up. 

"Oh, you guys serve coconut milk now, okay. Um, can I have the same thing but with coconut milk and no shots," he said and got out his wallet to pay.


"Scott," he pointed to himself, "Mitch," he said pointing to me. 

"Oh, like the Pentatonix boys?" She gave a laugh and grabbed a cup and started to write our names on it. Scott and I looked at each other. She didn't know it was us?

"Well, yeah. Exactly like them," Scott chuckled nervously. It was almost like a light lit up in her head.  She set the cup down and her hands instantly went to her mouth. She left the register and walked around to where we were. 

"Amber, get back to work!" 

"SCOTT AND MITCH," She screeched and hugged us. We laughed and hugged her back. 

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