Chapter Fifty-Four

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Hey guys, sorry this is a really late update. I'm really sick and I slept in very late. That's also why there is no question of the week. Sorry guys.

Scott's POV 

It's been about two months since Mitch was diagnosed with lung cancer. His family has been in LA the whole time, since they found out that is. It's been really hard for the band, and especially the fans. Mike decided to tweet out that Mitch was in the hospital and that we will update them on what happens. 

Mitch hasn't woken up yet. They said he's in a coma, which makes things very hard to control and cure, because he's not awake to okay things. 

Everyday I'd visit him, hoping he would be awake. He's not. I would stay until they had force me to leave. I would arrive before visiting hours so I was always the first one there. I wouldn't even leave to get food, his family had to force me to go to the cafeteria and eat. 

Jayden, he stopped visiting after the first two weeks passed. I guess he lost hope. He told me to call him if Mitch wakes up, and to update him on what happens. 

The rest of the band, at first they came everyday, but now it's maybe twice a week. And we haven't made any music these past months, because we don't have Mitch, we're not complete. I'm not complete without him. 

Alex, well he never stopped by. At least, not when I was there. He hasn't called, hasn't stopped by the house. It's like he wants nothing to do with us, with me. 

I sat there, in the same chair I've been sitting in for two months, holding the same hand I've been holding for two months, speaking to the same unresponsive Mitch I've been speaking to for two months. 

"I miss you, bud. I miss you so much. I just wish you knew that," I told him, rubbing his hand with my thumb. It was warmer than usual, that's good. It had more color than usual too, that's great. Now if only he was responsive. "The, the doctors are talking about taking you off life support, bud. If- if you don't wake up. They are doing small things to help your cancer, but it's not helping. And I'm probably going to have to say my final goodbye soon," I choked up on tears. "I... I hope you can hear me, I hope you could hear me this whole time. But, I... I have some things I need to tell you," I paused. I sighed. "I hoped to tell you face to face, one day, but I didn't want it to be like this. But I really wanna tell you... that I love you. More, more than you think. I love you so much. I've always felt this way. I've always," I chuckled, "shipped Scomiche, you know? I've always loved you in the sense of, I wanted to be with you. Preferably in a romantic relationship, but you being in my life was amazing none the less. And, I've always hoped you felt the same way, but I guess, I guess I'll never find out." 

Tears started falling down my cheeks. This was really it. I was saying goodbye to my best friend for the last time. 

"I, I love you so, so, so much Mitch. I can't imagine a life without you. I don't what I'll do after I leave today," I told him. 

I squeezed his hand. And... he squeezed back.

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