Chapter Fifteen

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I am in tears because I forgot to update this morning, I'm so so so so so so sorry. I'm getting so bad at this. Please forgive me. Enjoy the chapter though...


Who are your top 5 favorite YouTubers?

my answer

Of course my favorite is Superfruit, then Markiplier, then Jacksepticeye, then Grav3yardgirl, and then Good Mythical Morning *Rhett and Link, all their channels honestly.*

Comment your's below!!!!

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Scott's POV 

I wake up with a pounding headache. My stomach was doing flips and I felt as if I was going to puke. There was something- wait no, someone, under me. Alex. 

"Oh shit," I mumble and quickly get off him. and sit up. I looked down and my pants were still on. Okay, so we didn't have sex, that's good. I was only shirtless. 

"Mmm, morning," Alex mumbled sleepily. 

"Huh? Oh, uh yeah. Morning." I looked around and no one was in the house. "Where's Mitch?"

As soon as I said that, the sound of the door unlocking came from the front door. The door opened and in came Mitch. I smiled slightly at the sight of him.

"Mitch!" I jumped up, but soon say back down and grabbed my head, rubbing my temples. 

"Hangover?" He chuckled at my pain and set down three bags on the coffee table. "Taco Bell," he looked over at the shirtless Alex. "I even got him food."

"Aw, thanks. How sweet of-" Mitch interrupted him.

"No, I didn't do it out of the kindness of my heart. I wanted to just eat in front of you, and make you suffer. But I figured Scott would be kind enough to give his food, so I got you food so you wouldn't take his," Mitch bit his head off. Both Alex and I glanced at each other, then back to Mitch.

"Alright, sorry." Alex looked down. "If, if y'all want, I can leave."


"-no that won't be-"

"-leave." Mitch finished,putting a hand over my mouth, making me stop talking. "More food for us."

"Mitch, calm down, damn." I looked over at Alex, who was putting on his shirt. "You can stay," I put my hand on his thigh and rubbed it. Like, you know, like the thing people to tell other people it's okay? I'm not good at explaining. 

Mitch glared at me, while Alex gave me a warm smile. Mitch got up, grabbed his food and went to his room. He stopped right before going into his room. 

"Do dishes, Scott."

"Uh, actually, I was wondering if you could do them. Alex and I wanted to go out and do something. "

"No, I can't. Jayden and I scheduled a date already, for tonight."

"Come on Mitch, do me a favor!" He set his food down on the floor and walked back to the couch. 

"No, okay. You've been gone for almost an entire week, so I've been doing the dishes all week. Plus I did them the past two days before you left. So no, it's your fucking turn. Okay? Okay," he yelled, surprising both Alex and myself. 

"Oh, yeah... I did leave for a while..." I forgot about that. "Sorry Mitch, I'll do them. Forgot, my bad." I sounded super sad. "Have fun on your date, okay?" He looked at me shocked, and nodded. He then picked up the bag containing his food and went in his room to eat and get ready. 

jordan jay 

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