Chapter Forty-Four

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What is the last lie you told?

my answer

I said I'd text my friend. I never did.

Comment your answer below!!!!

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Mitch's POV

We sat in the car, listening to music. We didn't really talk for a bit.

"So, um... what's your brother's name?"

"Oh, uh Travis. He's an asshole though," he informed me.

"Travis? Nice." Ironic.

"I guess. Like I said he's an asshole. He, uh, never accepted me being a boy. He stills uses the wrong names and stuff. I'm still his little sister," he explained, turning the wheel to take a right.

"Oh... he sounds horrible, I'm sorry."

"Eh, it's whatever. He only comes over to hang out with Sable and eat all my food." I saw him roll his eyes.

"Why would Sable hang out with him if he treats you like that?"

"They were friends first. So I can't really tell them to stop being friends when I came second."

"True, I suppose..." A few of silence went by. "So uh..." I could think of a conversation topic.

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, I have an older sister," I answered.

"Cool. Is she nice?"

"Yeah, she's the best. She's supportive of me and all my stuff I do. She's always there when I need her. I don't see her often because I'm always on tour or doing stuff. But that's life I guess."

He nodded and smiled but didn't say anything.

"Do you have any other siblings?"

"Well, not blood related. My parents adopted a child last year because all their kids were grown up and they weren't that old to not have anymore kids, but they decided to adopt one and yeah. I feel sorry for the poor kid," he stated. "Fucker took my spot, " he grumbled, parking on the street in front of a house. "We're home and my brother parked in my parking space," he said rolling his eyes.

I got out of the car and so did he. We walked to the front door and his unlocked the door and threw his stuff on the couch. He groaned and face-planted onto the couch.

"Aye, Kailani is home. Hey sis," an all too familiar voice said.

"Dammit Travis, this is my house. Address me by the right name. I'm legally a male now," Jayden yelled angrily.

"Chill out Lani," he said laughing and coming into view.

It was him. It was Travis. My Travis. My stomach dropped. He looked right at me.

"Oh," he said the second he saw me. "Mitch."

"Er... hi..." I looked at Jayden to see him very confused.

"You two know each other?" He looked sad.

"Yeah, we dated," Travis told him. Jayden's eyes widened.

"Shit..." he said under his breathe.

"Is that a problem? Are you two dating now?"

"Matter of a fact," he started and looked over at me. I nodded. "Yes." Jayden glared at Travis and Travis glared back. Then he randomly started laughing.

"Damn Mitch, I thought gay guys didn't date women. Finally came around?"

"Travis!" Jayden was livid. I looked at Travis with a cold stare.

"Travis, shut the fuck up," his eyes widened, "before I rip you a new like I did when I broke up with your cheating ass," I stated confidently. Travis glared at me but then walked back into the room he was in previously without saying a word.

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