Chapter Fifty-Two

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What is something you want for Christmas? If you don't celebrate Christmas, what's something you want in general?

my answer

For Christmas I wanted to get these pair of Converse high-top sneakers. They had Cat-woman from Batman on them. And a chest binder.

Comment your answer below c:

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Scott's POV

When I got there I went straight to the emergency room and up to the desk. Luckily, there was no line.

"I uh, I need the room of Mitchell Grassi," I told the lady at the desk. She looked up at me for a moment, not saying anything. She looked back at her computer and started typing.

"He's in room 32. Just go the door on your left, the wooden one, and continue down the hall. You'll have to turn right at some point, but you'll see it," she said with a warm smile.

"Thank you." I hurried to the door she was talking about and went straight to his room. It was quite easy to find. I was not prepared for what I was about to see.

I opened the door to his room and I was barely inside the room before my hands flew up to my mouth and my eyes started to water. There was so many things hooked up to him. Tubes were shoved down his mouth, things were in his arm, a mask was over his face, and there was at least 10 different machines around his bed.

"Oh my god, Mitch..." Tears started falling down my face. I can't believe this. "I..." I walked over to his bed and sat down in the chair that was right next to the bed. I grabbed his hand and held it in between my hands. They were barely warm."I, I'm here now. I'm so, so sorry that I couldn't have been here sooner. There, there was so much traffic," I could barely talk. "I, I called Jayden and told him what happened, he's on his way. I'm not sure if you want Alex here, but I called him. He said he can't make it. I also called the band, and Avi is also heading here now. Okay? Is that okay with you?"

He didn't answer. Of course he didn't answer. "I hope this was just some sort of random episode and it doesn't result in anything bad. I, I don't know what'd I'd... I'd do if I were to lose you Mitch... you, you're my best friend. And, and I love you because of that." Tears were still running down my face. "Please, please, please stay strong Mitch, you can get through this, whatever this is. You're strong and amazing and I'll be right there with you. I promise." I rubbed my thumb over his hand.

I sat there for at least 20 minutes before Jayden arrived.

"Scott, Mi- oh my god!" I turned around to see Jayden, with his hands over his mouth, staring at Mitch.

"I know, devastating, right?" He simply nodded and walked over to where I was. He looked down at his and I's hands. "Oh, sorry," I apologized and let go of his hand. I got out of the chair to let Jayden sit down instead.

"No, you go ahead. It's fine. You're his best friend. I'll go grab another chair and then you tell me exactly what happened, alright?" I sat back down and grabbed Mitch's hand again.

"Yeah, of course." He grabbed a chair and I started to tell him what happened.

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