Chapter Twenty-Six

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Who's your favorite character in the story so far?

my answer

I would have to say I still love Jayden, but of the characters who appear more, I love Alex. I love Alex as a person outside of the story, and I love how I'm making his character so much different than he really is. But my all time favorite will be Jayden.

Comment how your answer below c:

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Mitch's POV

Days passed, soon weeks. Jayden couldn't come on the tour with us, nor visit. And not long after I invited him, the tour got canceled. Not because he couldn't go, but because Kelly's doctor said she couldn't continue the USA tour. I couldn't, for the life of me, remember why she couldn't stay, but she wasn't able to. So we have to go home.

When I got home, regardless of the fact I was super tired, I called Jayden.

"Mmm, hello?" He sounded super tired. Almost like I woke him up.

"Did I wake you?"

"Mitch!" He sounded so awake all of a sudden. I laughed. "Hey love, how was tour?"

I smiled like a dork. "It was great... but it would've been hell of a lot better if you were there."

"Aw babe! You're so sweet! I love you so much, you know that?" My eyes widened. Did he just say he loved me? "Fuck, I said that last part aloud. I uh... I'm so-"

"I love you too, Jayden."

"Wait, you do?"

"Of course? How could I not? You are literally perfection. Like you're, so fucking hot. And so nice and just amazing."

"Mitch... I..." He sounded like he was starting to cry.

"Jayden? Are you okay?"

"I just... Mitch, I love you so much. And the fact you said that to me, it just... it brings tears to my eyes," he told me, bringing tears to my eyes.


"M-Mitch, remember how I said we shouldn't date?"

"Yes, I do."

"I... I think we should... I have strong feelings for you."

"Jayden, I would love to date you. Right now is a confusing time in my life, and I want you to know that. But I'm going to love you, and date you. Speaking of, we should go on a date soon," I told him.

"You are one smooth motherfucker, Mitchell. I would love to go on another date with you."

"How about..." I started thinking of cute places.

"You guys could have a romantic dinner here," Alex said from the doorway. I turned to see him.

"That is... that's actually a good idea. Wait no, Scott doesn't like Jayden."

"I'll be your guys' waiter. Not to brag, but I'm super good at cooking. And I took hot as a waiter," he said and winked at me. I glared at me.

"Jayden, how about dinner at my house?"

"Aw, that sounds great, babe. Anything with you would be fantastic. When would this dinner be happening?"

"Alex, when can we do this dinner?"

"How about, in two days?"

"In two days?" I heard Jayden debating.

"I think I'm busy that day, but I'll see. Anyways babe, I gotta go. It was fantastic to talk to you today. I love you," I could hear his smile.

"I love you too, and more."

"No, I love you more."

"Jayden, I love you more, now goodnight you dork."

"Night you asshole." He hung up the phone. God, that boy brings a smile to face every time.

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