Chapter Forty-Two

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What is your perfect pizza?

my answer

I'd say pepperoni with bacon and lots of cheese. Or as I call it, death.

Comment your answer below!!!!

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Mitch's POV

Alex continued to cook the dinner while I got ready for my date. I tried on a bunch of different outfits before I decided on something simple; one of my stripped sweaters and grey jeans. I picked out that like, multi-colored sweater I have. I didn't put on shoes because we were staying inside.

I went and brushed both my hair and teeth, and then straightened my hair. I put on some nice smelling perfume, and deodorant. I went and looked at myself in the body mirror that was on my closet doors. Something didn't go with the outfit, my septum ring. I switched out the horseshoe ring I had for a captive instead. It went better with my outfit than the other one, if that makes sense. I went and put on some concealer so I didn't look dead, like I always do. God, I should get that checked.

I walked into the kitchen to ask Alex how I look. I saw him stirring something in a pot.

"Alex," I said and then he looked at me. He froze in his place.

"W-wow..." he muttered. "You look," he paused and turned to me. He raised his hands and chuckled, "amazing." I blushed so hard.

"Stop it, Alex. You're making me blush," I said, looking to the ground, my face so hot. A few moments of silence went by. "So, uh, how's cooking going?"

"It's going good. There will be a lot of left over food, because I made a recipe for a family of 8, oops. I've also, um, sorta realized this isn't the type of food for a romantic dinner... I'm sorry Mitch..." he apologized, going back to stirring.

"It's fine Alex," I told him with a huge, warm smile. "It's doesn't have to be a super romantic, like Italian dinner. This isn't a five star restaurant, it's my house. And my best friend's boyfriend is cooking it. It won't be five star food."

"I guess so..." he said, and sighed.

"It'll be fine. How far are you from being done? He's gonna be here any moment."

"Um, like 5 minutes," he told me just as the doorbell rang. We exchanged worried looks before I ran to the door. "Don't run! You'll seem desperate if he hears you running!"

"Shut up, Alex!" I slowed down when I got closer to the door. I opened the door to the most beautiful man I've ever seen.

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