Chapter Nine

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Hey guys!!! I hope you enjoy the chapter!! I hope you have a wonderful day and are happy today c:


What's your dream job? 

my answer 

My dream job is these three things; a writer, a musician (like a singer or guitarist in a band),  and a YouTuber. *disclaimer* I know all these are chances. But I don't care. For me, it could be one of those, two of those, or a mix of all three. Being all three would be my all time goal which I'll probably never succeed. But I will succeed one c: 

Comment your's below!!!!

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Scott's POV 

I ordered my usual order and sat down at one of the tables in the place. I sat there in the chair, my eyes closed, elbows on the table. I had my hands on my face, rubbing the bridge of my nose. I heard someone move the chair in front of me and sit at my table.

Without looking, I said, "What do you want?" 

"Well, three things actually," it wasn't Mitch. I uncovered my eyes as they continued to talk. "Your name, your number, and to know if I could go on a date with you." 

He was actually really cute. He had dirty blonde hair, in a quiff type of thing. He was tan, and muscular from what I could see. He had a dark blue tank top on, and it had an anchor on it. You could see the muscles on his arms perfectly. It was actually really hot.

"Wait what?" 

He chuckled sexily and said, "What's your name, hot stuff?"

"I'm uh, Scott."

"Hi Scott, I'm Alex." He smiled and bit his lip. He was really hot.  "So my second thing I wanted was your number. So what do you say, Scott? Can I have your number?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Um... I uh..." I need to get over Mitch. Say yes! "Yeah, sure," I answered and he slid me a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote down my number and handed it back to him. "Now what was that last thing?" I tried to flirt but failed.

He chuckled again. "I'd like to go on a date with you. Or, hey, perhaps this could be a date." He chuckled once again. He works fast, damn. 

"Sure, let this be a date," I told him and smiled. He turned his slightly and gave me a smile. 

We stayed there talking for hours, getting to know each other a bit better, until I ran out of coffee. It was also around 5 AM, so I needed to get home.

"Alex, it was nice to meet you," I said getting up. I remembered the fourth of July was this weekend and we were having a party. "Would you like to go to a party with me this weekend? It's-"

"Yeah, it's fourth of July this weekend isn't it? I'd love to go. I'll text you then you can text me the details," he gave me a smile. He gave me a quick hug before I ran out of the coffee shop and walked home.

He'll make Mitch super jealous. Haha! 

jordan jay 

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