Chapter Forty-Three

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What is your perfect pizza?

my answer

I'd say pepperoni with bacon and lots of cheese. Or as I call it, death.

Comment your answer below!!!!

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Mitch's POV

I gave Jayden a warm smile. "Hey babe."

"Hey cutie," he said smoothly, winking as he walked in. As he walked past me I examined his clothes as he walked past me.

He had a short sleeved white button up that had black palm trees on it and he was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans that had a slight rip at the knee. He was wearing some black combat boots, which I didn't like with the outfit but it's whatever. He looked hot though.

"Are you just gonna stand there and stare at me the entire time or are we gonna eat, love?" I snapped out of the weird trance I was in.

"Oh, what?" He chuckled. "Oh, sorry. I just, you look really good tonight," I said awkwardly, looking down at the ground.

"Aw, babe," he said lifting my head up and lightly kissing me. Electricity flowed through out my body.

"Ahem, dinner is done," Alex coughed, walking to the dining table and set down a pot of food. "Feed your selves. I'm the cook, not the waiter."

"But I'll be your waiter!" We looked at Scott, standing in the doorway... panting... in a waiter outfit. He gave us a cheeky smile before Jayden just shrugged and sat down at the table.

I joined him at the table. Scott walked over to us quickly and realized there was no plates. He then speed-walked into the kitchen and grabbed two bowls and speed-walked back. He set the bowls down in front of us and poured us some food.

"So uh, what is this exactly?" I turned to Alex for an answer.

"Creamy Mediterranean chicken pasta primavera," Alex answered. Jayden's eyes widened.

"So it has meat in it?" Alex nodded, confused. Alex bit his lip and push the bowl away from him a bit. "I'm um, I don't eat meat..."

"Oh fuck," I mumbled.

"You don't what?" Alex seemed angry.

"I don't eat meat, I'm a vegetarian," Jayden stated. Alex turned to me and slapped me in the back of the head.

"You fucking idiot," he yelled.

"Ow!" I put my hand where he hit me. "What the fuck!"

"How did you forget to ask an important question like that?"

"Um guys-" Alex cut Scott off.

"Shut up." Scott looked hurt, but Alex didn't care. "Put on shoes and go bring him to some shitty restaurant." He pointed to the door.

"Um, we can go on a date at my house? But I think my brother is over," Jayden offered.

"Are you within walking distance?"

"No, but I own a car. And plus, the atmosphere here is," he looked around, "a little tense." He chuckled after saying that. "I live far though. It's like, almost an hour drive."

"It's late... I wouldn't want you to have to drive me home super late..."

"Spend the night at his house, and do stuff," Alex nudged me and winked. I blushed.

"He can stay over, I have work tomorrow though so he'd have to leave before then. Mitch, wanna stay the night? Sable won't mind," Jayden offered.

"Um, sure..."

With that, he helped me pack a quick bag of clothes and we headed out fro his house. This is gonna be weird... oh god...

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