Chapter Seventeen

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Oh jeez, I'm sorry this chapter is so boring. It's honestly a filler chapter for the next two. But I hope you guys still adore it as much as I adored writing it! 

SO I'm going on a school camp trip on Wednesday, but I'll still update on Thursday because I'm very dedicated to y'all! Hopefully I'll remember to do it when I wake up, haha. But if I post it later in the day I'm sorry. I will be around school mates and teachers and stuff. I might also sign at camp, sooo!!! 

But enjoy and don't forget to share the story with your friends and vote!! I love you guys!!!


Who are your top 5 OTP*one true pairing*?

my answer

Of course my favorite is Scomiche. Then I ship Kavi a lot. Then I ship Skylox which is Skydoesminecraft and DeadloxMC. I also ship all of PTX with Kelly haha. And then, finally my last one is Mitch is and myself, haha. 

Comment your's below!!!!

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Mitch's POV 

"So where are we off to?"

"Well, we're walking somewhere. It'll take about fifteen minutes to walk there. It's worth it, I hope." He let out another chuckle.

"You chuckle a lot," I told him. 

"Oh, I do, don't I? I'm not sure why I do," he gave a shrug. 

We start walking. I look over at Jayden and he has his hands in his pockets with his thumbs sticking out. He looked really cute, with his hair the way it was, and his shirt.

"Um, is something wrong with me?" I jolted up. He must have caught me staring. "You were staring."

"Oh nothing. It's just, uh..." I fumbled with my thumbs and blushed. Why am I so nervous? "You look really, really nice." He gave me a cheeky smile.

"Why thank you. Although you look better, but thanks," he said and chuckled. Maybe chuckling was his blushing? 

So we continued to walk. We've been walking for about ten minutes before I said something.

"So, why is your hair green now? Wasn't it like, brown yesterday?" As soon as I said that he was laughing.

"I got really drunk with my roommate last night and then this happened." Roommate? "Yeah, I have a roommate. She's a chick though. Her name is Sable. We've been like, best friends since forever." Wait, did he like read my mind? "We should get going," he said and grabbed my hand and started running down the street.

He's holding my hand. He Is Holding My Hand. 

I yanked my hand away, causing him to stop running, as well as myself. He looked at me confused for a second, before face-palming.

"Oh, I'm dumb. Sorry. I didn't mean to, like hold your hand or anything." He chuckled nervously. He looked down at the ground and I saw him blush. A smile formed on my face before I grabbed his hand again and intertwined his fingers with mine. 

"Just, don't run or pull me along." He looked up at me. He had the expression of a small child, it was really cute. I couldn't help but smile. 

We started off to our destination and soon wound up at a park.

"Why are we here?"

"You'll see," he said, biting his lip and let go of my hand and started walking  forward. 

jordan jay 

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