Chapter Fifty-Five

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Hey guys! Tomorrow is the start of 2016, wow... this is so weird haha. I plan to make a little ting for the New year and I hope you guys stay tuned in on it. And I hope you guys enjoy this uplifting chapter and I can't wait for next week to show you what's in store!

Mitch's POV 

He started talking about how he's gonna miss me. And how he doesn't know how to live on without me. And... how much he loves me. He told me about what the doctors plan to do after he leaves today. He told me how much he loved me, over, and over, and over.

"I, I love you so, so, so much Mitch. I can't imagine a life without you. I don't what I'll do after I leave today," he said. I felt water touch my hand. Like, a tear fell from his eyes and onto my hand. He gently squeezed my hand. 

The strangest part of this was, I could feel they so, so real. They didn't feel like before. It felt like I was awake. I could here better, things were lightening up. Maybe...

I squeezed his hand. I actually moved my hand, and squeezed his.  

"What... M-Mitch?"

"I... love..." That's all I could get out before he jumped up and ran out of the room, yelling.

"He's awake! Mitch is awake!" I think he ran all the way down the hall. Soon more people filled the room. "He's awake, Mike! He spoke! He squeezed my hand!"

"Scott, honey, there's no w-"


"M-Mitch!" He ran over to me and started kissing my head. "Son! I missed you! Nel, honey! Mitch is awake! Our son is awake!"

"Mitch, can you open your eyes?" 

"I... try..." I tried to open my eyes. Everything was white, and bright. "Ow..." I didn't close my eyes. Everything started becoming clear. 

I looked over to my left to see Scott, tear stained cheeks and all. He had a huge smile on his face. I gave him a smile, or my attempt at one. 

"I... love," I told him, reaching for his hand. He put his hand closer to mine, and I grabbed a hold of it. "You..." He turned his head in confusion. "I... love... you." His face lit up. 

"I love you too, pal," he said, giving me a weary smile. 

"No, pal," I cleared my throat. Talk clearly now. "Scomiche." He, again, turned his head in confusion. "I ship it." His eyes widened and he blushed. 

"You, you do?" I nodded slightly. He smiled widely. "Oh, okay," he said, like a dork. 

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