Chapter Fifty-One

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Sorry for the late update, finals and stuff distracted me ahh. But here's the chapter, enjoy!

Mitch's POV

Everything was black. So, so black. Almost like I was staring into a complete abyss. I couldn't move, not even an inch. It was like I was pinned down, to some type of hard surface. I couldn't speak. I tried to, but nothing came out. I couldn't even open my eyes. And my lungs, oh my lungs. They hurt, so badly. I could barely breathe because of how much pain it caused me.

"Is he still unconscious?" Who was this?

"Yes doctor, he is," A female voice said, which I didn't recognize either. But people were here! I started yelling for them.

"Hey, guys! Can you see anything? Can you help?"

"Did you call his roommate or family?" They ignored me.

"Yes sir," the girl responded.


"Who'd you call?"

"I called his roommate, Scott Hoying," she said firmly. Scott! He's coming!

"Have we set up tests to check his lungs yet?" I didn't hear her say anything, but the man continued. "Let's get the fluids out of his lungs and check for cancer. Then we need to check to make sure he hasn't gone into a coma. Alright?"

"Of course sir." I heard footsteps getting further away. There was no more talking, at least not close.

I was left alone for many hours, and hours. Or it felt that way. I'm not quite sure how long it was, because there were no clocks this dark place. But I heard a door open.

"Oh my god, Mitch..." Scott!

"Scott! You're here!"

"I..." I heard footsteps come closer. I heard him sit down, very close to me. My hand started to feel a bit warm. Was, was he holding my hand. "I, I'm here now. I'm so, so sorry that I couldn't have been here sooner. There, there was so much traffic," he was stumbling over his words. He sounded so sad. "I, I called Jayden and told him what happened, he's on his way. I'm not sure if you want Alex here, but I called him. He said he can't make it." Good. "I also called the band, and Avi is also heading here now. Okay? Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, of course. Scott, please stop sounding so sad, you're dragging me down," I told him.

"I hope this was just some sort of random episode and it doesn't result in anything bad. I, I don't know what'd I'd... I'd do if I were to lose you Mitch... you, you're my best friend. And, and I love you because of that."

"Scott, stop, please..."

"Please, please, please stay strong Mitch, you can get through this, whatever this is. You're strong and amazing and I'll be right there with you. I promise."

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