Chapter Fifty-Six

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It's finally over oh my god!!!! I can't believe this! I really hope you enjoy this final chapter to a great book c:


How'd you like the story? Do you like the ending?

my answer

I felt the ending could've been better, but I'm not sure how. I'm quite sad that it's over because no I can't write as often because this gave me some serious motivation to write and I loved it and I loved showing this to you guys and having a bit of feedback and getting to see how much you guys like the story!

Comment your answer below c:

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Mitch's POV 

So more time passed. Tests were done to me, some of which sucked. I got put on treatment, and I'm getting better. I was able to go home, but I had to go back to the hospital a lot. But I was able to sing the same, so Pentatonix was alright and still a thing. 

But Jayden and I broke up, and Scott and I got together. Our fans were so happy. Well, those who shipped Scomiche were. Those who didn't, well, that's a story for another time. And even if none of our fans supported or liked it, we were happy. That's all that matters. 

We sat on the couch together. He was sitting normally, watching one of his weird shows. I wasn't really paying attention. I was laying my head on his lap, looking up at him though. I saw how he was trying to concentrate on the show, really hard. 

"Scott." He looked down at me. "Why so tense, dork?" He chuckled.

"No reason. Hey, get off, I want to get something to eat," he told me, pausing his show. Yes, he records things so he can watch them and pause for snacks. He's such a dork. 

He went into the kitchen and made a sandwich. He was walking out of the kitchen with the sandwich, looked at me and went back into the kitchen.

"What do you want on your sandwich?"


 "What kind of sandwich do you want?"

"Um, I'm good," I told him.

"You haven't eaten today, and it's 1 pm. What do you want," he asked with more force. "Better answer before I give you something you don't want."

"Just, a peanut butter and jelly is fine," I told him. He quickly made me one and gave it to me. 

"Enjoy," he paused. "Babe." I smiled at him and he smiled back. 

We just sat there, eating our sandwiches right next to each other, in silence. I'm not sure why, but we did. 

"Hey Mitch," he randomly said.

"Yes Scott?"

"I love you." He turned to me. "A lot."

"Um, I love you too? Why are you randomly saying this?" Was he going to propose or something?

"I don't know, but I love you." 

"Well I love you too." And then we sat in silence for another few minutes.

"Hey," he said again.

"What is it, Scott?" 

"I don't know. I'm gonna go to the bathroom, take this," he told me, throwing me a box and walking to the bathroom.

"What the hell?" It was a little felt box. It looked like a jewelry box... oh god. "Scott, what is this," I yelled, hoping he'd hear me. 

"Did you open it yet?"

"No," I yelled back. 

"Open it," he yelled in a demanding tone. 

I sighed and opened it to find a ring. 

"I, I opened it." He walked out of the bathroom and over to me. 

"So uh, this isn't what you may think, I'll tell you that," he told me. "It's, a promise ring." He sat down next to me. "To show to you that I promise to always love you, and that I hope to spend the rest of my life with you," he said shyly. "Or if you want it to be a marriage thing it could be that too, I don't real-"

"Oh shush, I love it. A promise ring is lame, so let's just make it an engagement ring," I told him, winking. 

"Oh, then should I propose?" I shook my head.

"What you did was perfect." I hugged him. 

"So, we're, uh, gonna get get married?" 

"Soon," I said and leaned forward to kiss him. 

Tʜᴇ Eɴᴅ

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