Chapter Forty-Nine

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What questions do you hate to answer?

my answer

I hate any sex related questions. Or gender related questions.

Comment your answer below c:

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Scott's POV

I called Mike and Nel to them what had happened.

"Scott! Honey! How are you! You doing-" I cut Nel off.

"Nel," I said firmly. I heard her expression change. "I think you should get Mike in the room so I don't have to make this call twice."

"Oh, okay... Mike, come here! Scott has something to tell us!" I heard a door open. "He's in the room and he can hear you too," she informed me.

"Mitch... he, he's in the hospital. I had to call 9-1-1 because he coughed up blood," I was cut off by them gasping and starting to freak out. "I have yet to leave for the hospital, so I don't know if he's there yet, or what room or anything."

"Do you think we should come out there?"

"No, not until I find out what's wrong with him. Hopefully he'll grant me the right to know. I'll tell you guys if it's something serious."

"Alright Scott. Make sure he's taken great care of. Mike honey, please don't cry," Nel said, distant from the phone. I heard Mike sobbing. "Scott, we have to go. Thank you for telling us." Before I could say goodbye, she hung up.

I sighed and threw my phone on the couch.

"Looks like I'm heading to the hospital," I told myself, rubbing my nose in frustration.

Mitch's POV

I'm in so much pain. I can barely breathe. I feel like I'm coughing out my lungs. These guys are shoving things in my arms, tubes down my throat and trying to put things on my face. I keep shooing the things away and shaking my head no.

"Sir, we need to put these things on you," one of the men above me said. I couldn't tell you what he looked like. I shook my head, coughing up more blood.

"I'm dying," I tried to say. It was barely understandable.

"Greg, what do I do, he won't let us put anything on him?"

"Just try to keep him alive until we get the hospital."

"Alright, I'll try- wow, no getting up you," the guy said when I tried to get up, to breath better. He forced me back down. He tried to force the mask thing on my face as well, I pushed it away.

Everything started to get really fuzzy. The coughing and pain wouldn't stop. It hurt, so bad. All sounds were getting super distant and everything was getting darker. Am I dying? Is this what this is?

"L-let, Scott know what's, what's-"

Everything went black.

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