Chapter Ten

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Um, hi guys... how are all of you? I hope you guys are having a wonderful day and have a wonderful day tomorrow as well!! I'm not doing too well right now, but I'll manage c: enjoy the chapter y'all!!!


What's your dream job?

my answer

My dream job is these three things; a writer, a musician (like a singer or guitarist in a band), and a YouTuber. *disclaimer* I know all these are chances. But I don't care. For me, it could be one of those, two of those, or a mix of all three. Being all three would be my all time goal which I'll probably never succeed. But I will succeed one c:

Comment your's below!!!!

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Mitch's POV 

I was getting ready for our party. I get to see Jayden, and Scott. I wonder if Scott got a date... 

I shrugged and put on my black button-up shirt. I slipped into some black jeans I had laying on my bed. I then sat on my bed and brushed my hair, looking into my mirror.

I'm not looking good for Jayden, I'm looking good for the man I love, Scott Hoying. 

I gave a deep sigh and started putting on my eyebrow makeup. When I was done I got up and looked at myself in my body mirror that was on the door of my closet. I looked kinda goth, given I was wearing all black,  but I didn't care. I thought I looked nice. Perfect almost. 

I went outside of my room, into the living room and saw Scott sitting on the couch, staring at the wall.

I let out a big sigh and he looked back at me. 

"Oh, hi Mitch." 

"Hi Scott," I said, not trying to sound super happy to see him. He had a bland tone to his voice, so I didn't want to sound excited to see him. 

Scott sighed and got up off the couch and started walking towards me. He stopped right in front of me.

Out of no where he hugged me. Not like a relationship hug, but ones around my arms, so like I couldn't move away. 

"Scott, what are you doing?"

"I missed you Mitch. I'm sorry I left. I love you," My heart stopped. He loves me? "Best friend." He added.  Oh, as a best friend... 

"I missed you too, Scott. And I love you as well." I gave him a smile and he smiled back. 

He let go and went to his room to get ready himself. I sat on the couch and stared at the wall.

"At least he's back in my life," I mumbled to myself and let out a sigh.

jordan jay 

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