Chp 3

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Abheer Pov

I went downstairs after my morning routine. I greeted everybody and sat to have breakfast.

Maasa- What would you like to have beta?
Abheer- Anything would be fine maasa.

Maasa started serving some eggs salad and paratha. Then Aishwarya started talking.

Aishu- Bhai did you get the invitation of Annual Pregramme in Uni? You're coming, right? You know I'm going to host for the programme.

Abheer- Yea, I received it . I'll attend the function.
She quealed being happy I'm going to attend the function. I smile slightly looking at her excitement.
I then turned towards Ayaan who started bickering with Aditi.

Abheer- Ayaan from when you'll join us in office? How long your vacations will last..?

Ayaan stopped and gave me an awkward smile. Aishu n Aditi snickered at his face.

Ayaan- Soon bhai. I was thinking of joining soon.

Abheer- I know how soon you'll join. You're coming with me today. Let's introduce you to the business world.

His face paled like somebody suck the life out of him. Everyone started laughing at his expressions. I too smile slightly.

Adhiraj- It's right you're taking him with you to office starting today. Else all his does all day is sleep, eat, games or else teasing Aishu n Aditi.

Ayaan whined at this and once again laughter filled the room.
He went to his room sulking to change. Everyone went for their respective work.
I waited for him in the living room scrolling through some mails that's when dadisa maasa and kakisa came.

Dadisa- So my dear grandson, how's life going...?

Something's too fishy here...

Abheer- Everything is perfect. What happen. Whay would you ask suddenly?
The trio looked at each other.

Kakisa- Nothing's special...ju..just...maasa will tell you.
I turned towards dadisa.

Dadisa- I'll come straight to the point. What have you decided about marriage. Do you like sombody...?

Now I understand where it is going.

Abheer- Not now's just now everything is at its peak. You're seeing while managing company and my social responsibility towards our people, I am not even able to give you people time. Getting married is totally out of question. I don't want any new responsibility as of now. Moreover it will happen when it is to happen. When l feel like I'm ready, I'll let you people know.

In the meantime, Ayaan came so we head to the office before they start to convince me again.

Author Pov

Meera- Maasa why did you not say anything? He just went like that.

Meera said sulking.

Gayatri Devi- What could I have even said? You saw na how he confused us with his talks. I guess I'm dieing without even seeing my great grandchild.

Meera n Niharika- MAASA!!!

Niharika- Don't talk like this maasa. From where these things are coming. You're gonna live long life and definitely gonna play with your great grand children.

Meera-  Yes maasa just be healthy so that you can run after them.

Gayatri Devi smiled at her both sweet daughter in laws.

Abheer Pov

We were in the car. Today driver was driving. I am giving Ayaan heads up to the things he is going to do. We were stopped by the signal. Ayaan got a call suddenly so he excused himself. I was looking outside the window.

Suddenly my gaze fell on a beautiful petite figure standing by the Bus Stop.
So fucking beautiful...
There was standing a woman wearing a saree looking simple yet so elegant. Her curly long hairs flowing with the wind. Her doe brown eyes, her chubby cheeks, looking so freaking gorgeous. She seems like 5'5. I'm 6'1. She will perfectly hide in my arms once I take her in my embrace.
Stop it Abheer. Where are you going man...!!
My subconscious mocked me n I came to my senses. God what was I doing.
Then my gaze fell on her baby bump. Ohhh...she...she's pregnant.
So the girl we first time like is already taken.
My subconscious said. My mood suddenly dampened.

Car started driving. And the distance between me and the chubby cheeks grew.
Chubby cheeks...?
Abheer , come to senses...we were gawking at taken pregnant woman...

I got snapped out of my daze by Ayaan.
Ayaan- Where are you lost bhaisa? I called you for so many times.

Abheer- Nothing. Shall we start where we left?
We then head to office with me keeping certain chubby cheeks back of my mind.

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