Chp 40

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Ruhanika was so baffled at whatever happened before. She kept her hand on her heart, trying to control her racing heart and ragged breaths.

Ruhanika then left to go outside. Everyone has already started serving. Abheer was on his seat too, acting like nothing happened before. While Ruhanika cursed her fate that only seat beside Abheer was empty. She silently sat there and Abheer helped her serve food as if nothing that happened before happened. She looked nervous and Abheer smiled internally at her cute face.

Ruhanika was silent throughout the dinner. Ayaan was bickering with Aishu and Aditi while others were laughing at their banter. Abheer as usual had gentle smile on his face seeing his happy family.

Almost when everyone was done with dinner, Vikram ordered servants to bring the dessert. But before it could arrive, Abhaya woke up crying loudly. She has started feeling cold due to fever and her leg was paining too much for the little one's liking.

Ruhanika and Abheer immediately got up and went towards her crib. Ruhanika took her in her arms and started rocking her. All the time Abheer stood worried for his princess crying so much. Ruhanika touched her forehead only to feel it warm. She sighed before turning towards Abheer.

"She has fever! I'll go feed her." Abheer immediately nodded and reluctantly stayed behind. Others smiled at them and continued their little celebration of dessert without the ones for whom they were celebrating.

In Ruhanika's Room

Abhaya was crying in her arms clutching her chain in her neck.
Ruhanika sat on the bed and started opening her blouse. She pulled Abhaya near her chest making Abhaya eagerly latched onto her boob. She was hungrily sucking on her breast as if it will disappear any second. Her cries died down but she was still hiccuping in between nursing. Ruhanika gently wiped tears from her face and wrapped her in the baby blanket more to keep her warm. All the while she was careful not to move her legs much. After sometime she switched sides and fed her with other boob.

She became drowsy and she almost stopped sucking just kept Ruhanika's nippple in her mouth. Once, Ruhanika was sure that she was asleep she detached her latch on her boob. She kept her clean pinky finger in her mouth when baby made sucking motion from her lips in her sleep. Ruhanika smiled at her cute baby and kissed her forehead. She sighed feeling her forhead warm.

Just then Meera and Niharika entered the room holding water bowl and soft cotton cloth. Ruhanika smiled at them and settled the baby in bed.

"Ruhi beta, keep these wet cloth on her forehead and make her wear some warm clothes. Weather is changing. It will be more likely she will catch cold, so be cautious." Meera told settling the water bowl on the night stand. Ruhanika nodded and moved in the closet room to bring baby's warm clothes. Niharika settled herself in the bed. She started wiping Abhaya's whole body with warm water as she cannot give her bath. She changed her diaper too and started wearing her the new clothes Ruhanika brought. Abheer too came in the meanwhile and stood beside the bed, while Niharika and Meera were doing other stuffs. He sighed in relief that now his princess is resting and sleeping, but his heart felt sad seeing her puffy eyes.

Ruhanika was keeping warm blankets in her cradle. On the cue, when Niharika was done, she brought Abhaya towards cradle to make her sleep un that. She swinged the cradle that make Abhaya felt more comfortable.

The whole day went like that. Abhaya was all cranky throughout the day and night. She was hardly sleeping for 2 hours then waking up feeling cold and hurt in her legs. She was crying and getting tired. Ruhanika was so sad seeing her in pain but Meera, Niharika and Gayatri Devi were there to help her and Abhaya. They made her feed, oil massaged her before giving her warm bath. She was all fussy when all that didn't make her sleep, and tired herself with crying to sleep.

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